MARRIAGE! Marriage isnt just about having an elaborate - TopicsExpress


MARRIAGE! Marriage isnt just about having an elaborate flambouyant wedding, and afterwards living under the same roof with your goes way beyound kissing and cuddling. . . .Marriage entails certain key factors like::;Love, Sacrifice, Patience, Compatibility, Humility, Forgiving spirit, Communication, Understanding, Unity, Trust, Great-lovemaking, Loyalty and Tolerance. A couple ought to build the foundation of their marriage on Love and ensure they make God the pillar and bedrock of their home. . . . . . As a married couple, its imperative you bear in mind that you and your spouse are both from different Backgrounds, hence youve got different personalities, Orientations and Perceptions to life, that is why there are bound to be minor scuffles but these minor scuffles are good because these scuffles actually paves way for a better understanding between both parties but these minor scuffles shouldnt last for too long so as to avoid disunity in the homefront. However, the antidote to disunity in a happy home is Tolerance. . . .If you love your wife, maturedly instruct, teach, scold, correct and tease her but dont beat her up, give her Tolerance......and If you love your husband respectfully instruct, lead, teach but dont give him up give him Tolerance. As a man and husband, its highly imperative you dont be quick to throw a punch at your wife for any reason whatsoever, rather be quick to give a thought to the vow you made at the alter of God and do remember that particular quality you saw in her which lured you to ask her to spend the rest of your life with you, before acting. NEVER you hit your wife for any reason whatsoever. Using your fist on your wife can never send your message accross, so why not use your brain instead? Its imperative that when tempers are flying at its peak, one party mellows down for the other. **Ladies::: learn to brittle your tongue, its not right to exchange harsh words with your man when you are both upset, or can you beat him up should it get to the point of exchanging punches? Of course you cant. I know any man who hits his woman is a coward, a weakling and a lesser man but men have got blood flowing in their veins, you cant keep insulting him like he is your rabbies infested dog and expect him to clap for you. The mere fact that your man drinks doesnt give you the right to call him a drunk even to his face. The mere fact that he is temporarily out of job doesnt in anyway give you the right to refer to him as a useless man. **Men::: the mere fact that your wife decided to be a full housewife gives you absolutely no right to refer to her as a jobless woman, trust me being a full housewife is more hectic than you could ever imagine....the mere fact that she has a white collar job doesnt mean you should start feeling insecure or intimidated by her financial independence. Its really uncalled for. Be eachothers helpmate. Share ideas and plan for a better tomorrow as a couple. . . . .learn to aknowledge and appreciate eachothers effort in the homefront. Be content with your spouse and always pray as a family because you and your spouse are meant to be nothing but one strong indivisible entity. Just try and remain that awesome persona whom your spouse met and fell helplessly inlove with from the first time him/her set their eyes on you. For the records....There is no such thing as a bad husband/wife. What kills a marriage faster than even infidelity is Improper management of Finances....most men will say all women are addicted to money and lacks the ability to save for tomorrow but i tell you its not true because one womans aphrodisiac is another womans extreme allergic reaction and the antidote to the problems which are likely to arise as a result of improper management of family finance is Communication and Understanding. Once youre able to communicate and understand your spouse perfectly, then youl learn to adjust to all financial constraints without any/much stress. Learn to set your Ego aside and be humble with your spouse. It actually costs nothing to be humble. When wrong do accept that youre wrrong and apologise either by your words or actions. It wont make you a lesser human being, rather itl make you priceless. Atleast itl go a long way to prove you know you aint perfect afterall, hence youre prone to mistakes for youre simply human and pls when youre offended and your spouse apologises, pls do accept his/her apology and forge ahead. See and accept your spouse as your sibling and bestfriend, it helps! Above all, be content and proud of your spouse irrespective of what people might say, pay no attention to outsiders and keep your marital issues very private. Inlaws are one part of your family you can never do away with. Its adviseable you build and nurture a cordial relationship with your Inlaws because in stormy tides, they will have your back. . . . .this isnt referring to the ladies alone, the men are also advised to keep a good relationship with their Inlaws because you never can tell when youl need them to help you out with your home. For a marriage to exel beautifully, Experience is highly needed and couples whose parents are still alive are very much lucky because their parents are filled with enough experience to pass unto them for they have been married even before you were born and they are still married after youve been born and also grown up and married so listen to them when they counsel you. Ladies....:dont see the fact that your mother inlaw offers to teach you a couple of recipes as a slap on your face, rather learn it perfectly and prepare it for your man just the way she tot you. I assure you she has known your man all his life and she knows how he likes his meals, taking a clue from her wont hurt you in anyway. Divorce is never a better option because if you do, you will eventually be hookedup to someone else and the truth is, as humans we are almost the same. There is but a slight difference in our individual characters which makes us unique. Dont just giveup on your marriage without fighting to make it work. Nothing good comes easy. . . .no pain, no gain. In all you do, ensure you always COMMUNICATE with your significant half . . . . .work towards building your home and youl surely enjoy it.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:42:23 +0000

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