MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB: A Book that will change your - TopicsExpress


MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB: A Book that will change your life... Chapter Excerpt: MY SOON COMING Let US begin. Now daughter, today I want to address concerns of the world regarding MY Soon Coming. The world is about to experience an explosion of change. Change is coming from all sides: the swift removal of MY bride - those who have made themselves ready: purified themselves in MY Blood and through the washing of MY Word. Also the dramatic result of the removal of the bride followed by sudden destruction and the rise of the antichrist system. Ephesians 5:25-27. 25Husbands, love your wives, even as CHRIST also loved the church, and gave HIMSELF for it; 26That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27That HE might present it to HIMSELF a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. This will be overnight cataclysmic change. Nothing will ever be greater, than this change, in world history. Those left will feel it and those taken will know it. Many will die during this change as destruction is coming to this earth. There will be continual destruction as MY Wrath will be poured out. What the earth has witnessed so far is only a foretaste of what is coming. This is why I continue to pour out MY Warnings through these signs and MY many servants: young and old alike. MY Warnings have been clear and consistent, both through MY Word and through the warnings I give through others. I do not shift or change - I am EVERLASTING TRUTH. MY Truth does not change - MY Word does not change. Children, as this hour closes in, the time has come to be vocal and to warn those around you of the pending doom coming to the earth. So many think MY Book is a fable or great tale, but every Word is Truth and it is all coming to pass. Soon, Revelation will play out in clock work order. You will see it all come together before your very eyes. It already is if you would just take time to read and notice. Everything that is happening was foretold so long ago. So put your doubting aside. Stop listening to others who do not know ME. Read MY Book for yourself. Seek MY HOLY SPIRIT for guidance. HE is always available to reveal Truth, to render eye salve - what you need to see this Truth. Revelation 3:18. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. I do not want you to be caught unaware. I want you to wake to the Truth and to be ready and sober. I want MY children to come into the Light and see the Truth. Truth is available, readily available. There is no reason now to remain in the dark and not be ready for what is coming. I can guide you, lead you. Let ME do it, I long to do it. I long to hold you and assure you that you can avoid the troubles coming to the earth, all is not lost. Children, come into MY Faithful Arms. I am a Caring, Loving GOD ready to care for you, no matter what you have done or where you have been. Come, Come! This is the hour of your rescue. Don’t get caught into a world spiraling out of control because it rejects the ONE True Living GOD and MY Perfect Ways. Many will wait too long and regret their decisions. Don’t let this happen to you. I am ready to share MY Heart with you… open up to you… bring you into MYSELF and share intimate moments. This is MY Longing: to uplift you and bring you through difficult circumstances. Please let ME share with you in life’s most difficult moments. I want you to let ME comfort you. I long for this relationship with you - O’ how I long for it. Don’t push ME, your MAKER, away. Embrace MY Offer to be close to you, closer than anyone has ever been to you. That is what I Offer MY children, a relationship that is unlike any other human relationship—one with your GOD WHO knows you better than any other… I Offer this closeness. I bring you MY Heart. It is MINE to give and I give it to you. It is yours for the asking. So few ask for it, but it is available. Children, I lay open MY Heart, invite you to come in, partake, enjoy MY Presence. Come to know ME as more than just a distant, far off GOD. I can be approached. I can share your deepest thoughts and concerns with you. I can comfort you, take you through the worst times, and encourage you during your most difficult moments. I am a Loving GOD, willing to be open and share intimacy with you, to walk this life together. You never have to walk this road alone again. I am always at your side. I am there to comfort, support, and encourage. Come to know ME in the relationship I always meant for US to share together. This is why you were created - to be intimate with ME. That is your purpose in this life. You may believe otherwise, but I am your MAKER and I say it is so. I want to be there for your lows and your highs, for the hard times and the glad times: sharing life together, walking the straight path together. This is the life I had planned for you: MY Perfect Plan and Will for your life. Psalms 139:3. THOU compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. So come to ME. Surrender your life to ME. Lay it before ME in humble submission, and I will take it and clean you up and make you ready for MY Kingdom and you may partake of MY Marriage Supper as MY bride. You have but to ask and I will give you all this: I long to bring you into MY World. I, GOD am ready and waiting. Stop living your life apart from your MAKER. Curtis Roach reads from the Marriage Supper of the LAMB on his radio shows the Watchman in UK: youtube/watch?v=gTl1IN_K5ag&
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 03:49:46 +0000

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