MARTIAL SPORT SHOUD BE NOT A FIGHT BUT AN IMITATION OF FIGHT! NOT AN VIOLENCE BUT AN IMITATION OF VIOLENCE! SHOUD BRING NOT PAINS BUT JOY! The tecnics in martial arts and box is based on fighting, means that sportsmens are hiting each other directly on the body, wich provoke grave body tramatism, invalidity, and sometimes death. And also, the winer shoud provoke to his adversary such a strong pain, traumatism, that he cannot reply. This is not only illegal, but also imoral. Sport shoud not provoke pain, but joy! We know that every bodily hits are an violent act. Every violent act are aticonstitutional and are punished acording to criminal lows. So, fighting sports are illegal and criminal. So, this kind of sport tecniks needs to be prohibited. But not box as a kind of sport, beacose it is beatifull! Its only needed to change the tecnic, that all. That means, that all fiting sports needs to be distantional, without contact. Because contact provoke pain. This are the diferens between sport and fight! MARTIAL SPORT SHOUD BE NOT A FIGHT BUT AN IMITATION OF FIGHT! THIS ARE THE DIFERENS BETWEEN SPORT AND VIOLENCE! Martial sport are a show, a spectacle, as a teatral spectacle, so it shoud be artistic, it is the same rules as in teatral and other show. It shoud be noncontact or in cuple. Lets protect our body and do not forget that even human body has biological limits, our intellect are unlimited, and its neded to use our intellect to show the posibility of our psihical body.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:52:01 +0000

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