MARY OF THE ROMAN CATHOLICS I am in a debt; but it is not just - TopicsExpress


MARY OF THE ROMAN CATHOLICS I am in a debt; but it is not just about the debt of money or the debt of obligation: I had known that promise is a debt, but little had I known that holding God’s message for another man is also a debt. Every messenger who carries the message of God is in debt, until he delivers that message to those for whom it was sent. As it is written, “I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.” (Romans 1:14-15) My way of preaching the gospel to you that are at Rome also is by warning the Roman Catholics against idolatry and against doctrines of Mary, who calls herself the mother of God. This week, I trust the LORD will give me the inspiration to speak on the Motherhood of Jesus Christ. By the end of this week, I should have proven to you that if Mary was the mother of Jesus when He resurrected, Jesus would not have ascended to heaven. So for Jesus to ascend, he had to put off the motherhood of Mary. The function of Mary as the then mother of Jesus was to enable him to be made like us or for him to come into this world: That function or work ended immediately Jesus became a man, and put off childhood. The people must be set free from that demon called the queen of heaven, who calls herself ‘Virgin Mary’. I will now recall some of the messages I had posted on Facebook on the subject matter, ‘Virgin Mary’. “Mary indeed was a virgin when she conceived of the Holy Spirit, but within the nine months of her pregnancy, she became married to Joseph after he was convinced that her pregnancy was of God (Matthew 1:18-25). As a virgin she conceived, but the role of Joseph is to help the child in Mary to become a son instead of a bastard. A woman can only deliver a child; she cannot deliver a son by bible standard. Thus it takes a father for any male child to be recognized as a son; otherwise that male child is a bastard especially in Israel. Hence the book of genealogy was very important in Israel to determine who the father of a man is. Those who could not show who their father was in Israel and whose genealogical book of record where not found, were considered polluted in Israel (Nehemiah 7:61-64): As it is written, “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.” (Deuteronomy 23:2). Remember that when Jesus was made of a woman, he was made under the Law to redeem those who are under the law (Galatians 4:4-5). Therefore to avoid this kind of mistake in the case of Jesus, Matthew, the first book in the New Testament, had to begin by giving us the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ from Abraham through David to Joseph (Matthew 1). There in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, five women were mentioned in that account and none of them was a virgin when she married the man who became the father of the son in that genealogy. If you would not believe that Mary had other children, apart from her firstborn Jesus (Mark 6:3): atleast believe Mary is no longer virgin by the standard of the law which says that any woman who gives birth to a male child is unclean for 40 days because she had broken her hymen, but if it was a female child, she shall be unclean for 80 days (Leviticus 12:2-8).” Hence Virgin Maria is an illusion. Remember I wish to prove by this that if Jesus remained the Son of Mary when he resurrected, he would not have being accepted in heaven. So please have patience until I post the few couple of posts. The queen of heaven is a demon, strange gods (Jeremiah 7:18-19): There is nothing like queen of heaven, queen of Apostle, queen of peace, queen of mercy etc at the throne of God. Anyone who says he or she is honouring Mary, but not worshiping her is only saying he or she is honouring the Queen of Heaven, but not worshipping her according to Jeremiah 44:17-19. You can honour a man without worshipping the man because that man is visible to you or is still in the same realm with you, but you cannot honour a spirit or a saint or an ancestor who is invisible to you without worshipping that invisible being because that being is not in the same realms with you: Therefore, stop honouring any saint who has already died or translated, because that honour is worship; stop honouring an angel which you do not see (Judges 13:17-18), and never honour your late father or late mother or ancestors, for if you do, you worship them because they are invisible beings. Honour or worship only God, Jesus Christ and honour all men who are in the same plain with you (1 Peter 2:17). 1. Saints and servants of God are like angels when they experience resurrect from the dead (Mark 12:25): Therefore, when a mortal man honours a saint who is immortal in nature, he is like trying to worship or honour an angel (Revelation 19:9-10). Yes, invisible servants of God appears like angels to us; or ministers of God are like angels to us (Revelation 22:8-9). 2. He who honours an angel is honouring the stars of heaven, for angels are stars of heaven: Do not honour the stars of heaven or the sun, for all that do so are abomination to God (Deuteronomy 4:15-19). YOU CANNOT HONOUR A SPIRIT WITHOUT WORSHIPPING IT UNLESS YOU ARE A SPIRIT, AND NOT FLESH AND BLOOD.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 07:38:48 +0000

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