MARY: THE IMPOSSIBLE! Ds. Joy M. Vingno, 2010 The scripture - TopicsExpress


MARY: THE IMPOSSIBLE! Ds. Joy M. Vingno, 2010 The scripture passage from the cover is an excerpt from the gospel of Luke. A medical Doctor who may have the best information about the narrative account of th of the Lord Jesus, not common to other synoptic gospels, who later on was called Kristo which literally means: the Anointed One; the Sent One; although from the gospel of John Kristo is the Only One Revealed-God. Both great bodies of Christianity of the Roman Catholics and the Greek Orthodox have similarities of the later development of Mariology. Perpetual virginity of Mary has been taken from Athanasius’ idea from his term “ever virgin” referring to Mary. Church fathers of the 5th century accepted this view and formally considered a doctrine by the Lateran Council in 649. But early Councils of Ephesus [431] and Chalcedon [451] upheld the title Theotokos, which means, “God–bearer,” or Mother of God as exclusive and only applied to Mary. Later development of the Roman Catholic Christianity, Mary has been declared by Pope Pius IX as sinless in 1854 known to be “Immaculate Concepcion who never was affected by the original sin traced back from the first ‘Virgin Eve’ and Adam; Although, the doctrine like the “Assumption of Mary” developed only in 1950 as a dogma of the Roman Catholics declared by Pope Pius XII. Saint Anne and Saint Joachim who were believed to be the parents of Mary were just as sinners like anybody else and never brought to any special location by any ecclesiastical bull somewhere or anywhere in the universe. But Mary the daughter, had been assumed to have been ascended to heaven when she died. Her skeleton can nowhere be found as the Roman Catholics insist. Later, in this doctrine of Assumption, Mary was declared the Queen in heaven. Any honest Roman Catholic scholar can hardly deny this game of invective fabrication by the Roman Catholic medieval obsession and abuses. That period of Absolutism within and among the magistrates of Europe and elsewhere for hundreds of years, became unimaginable powers that the Holy See possessed. It was reaching its peak during that popularity exercising her sovereignty in what was called, “the Holy Roman Empire”. No other king or emperor could ever be higher and most powerful than the Pope since then. All ‘lords’ have to bow down, kiss the feet and the hand of the Pope and received either a blessings or curse from the throne who was posing to be the “King of kings and the Lord of all Lords” within the Holy Roman Empire. Thrones made of gold, sceptres or any symbolic fasces of powers during and in death beds of these magistrates; so as their wealth, had to be offered to the holiness of this earthly kingdom rules by the Holy Father ‘on earth’ in exchange for their sure destiny of their ‘souls’ in heaven. This soul business emanates and began from this papal absolute authority which is also carried on by mostly all sects under Christianity up to this very day. The Holy See is the Pope with these addresses: the Holy Father, the Most Reverend, His Excellency. This is the triune crowns declared to any pope in succession up to this day. When this Triple Crown is placed on the head of a new pope during his [her] coronation ceremony, the ritual has this declaration by the officiating cardinal in the sacred ceremony: “Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns, and know that thou art the Father of Princess and Kings Ruler of the World, the Vicar of out Savior –Jesus Christ”. (National Catholic Almanac) Anyone who may protest by rational mind during this medieval period must carefully keep it for death was immediately to be the sudden judgment. Da Vinci Code today survived. Leonardo Da Vinci must have been killed by either “burning at the stake” or “beheading” as the most common and the least form of execution during his time. He carefully observed how the Romish Church played the game of religious harlotry. Whatever gods or goddesses the Romans and the Greeks mythologies have the same were substituted all to Christianity when it gained popularity starting from the conversion of Constantine. Observance of days, date and other pagan practices were contextually adopted. Galileo Galilee has been sentenced to death [later commuted to life imprisonment] in a crime that he committed. He made a “theory” but opposed to the teaching of the Church that Earth is the center of the Universe according to the Pope. Galileo insisted and instead said, the earth is just one among the planets rotating around the sun. Because of this Papal infallible authority, the church has all this, what I call the “game of invective fabrication”. By this authority, the Pope can even “invent”– a God! How much more for Mary to be made “the Mother of God” and whoever believe that MARY IS THE MOTHER OF GOD have this comfort today! You can approach that “invented God by using an invented motherly compassion through MARY THE MOTHER OF GOD Parallel to Galileo when he invented a telescope. With his invented telescope we have now the comfort of “proving” that indeed, the earth is not the center of the universe. If our pursuit is the truth to enjoy life in this life between these two “inventions,” let us NOT BE IGNORANT ANYMORE BY THIS INVECTIVE FABRICATIONS that this false church with Babylonian descent has been doing. This is the great harlot described in Revelation 17. We have not seen yet any shadow of repentance up to this very day. The same medieval ecclesiastical error is the same APOSTATE church fitly described by the Apostle Paul in his letter found in 2Thessalonians 2:1–12. This is what we see, a judgement and strong delusion fulfilled before our eyes. When the term woman is described in the Bible in prophecy, it is either the Church composed of Jesus or Kristo Brethren which God Himself purchased by His own blood–literally purchased by HIS LIFE. This is the one also what Christ was saying in the new order, “I will build my Church.” It is the body of believers with only one LORD, ONE FAITH AND ONE BAPTISM. The other one is also composed of believers and Jesus Christ seems to be the Lord – but also having the Pope as his substitute. This so called substitute or vicar is even more powerful having the claim of titles more than the one being substituted. Claiming to have the Pillar of Truth but having other pillars taken from pagan religions in the world. Harlotry then is the precise description. It is the false church having God the Father with a wife – the Queen of Heaven. It is the Queen with her own church’ too. In Bacolod City it is called “the Queen of Peace” Church. During the Reformation period in Europe –in England under this Romish absolutism, the queen of England Mary [1516–1558] the so-called Mary Tudor or “Bloody Mary” was in full force killing all those who opposed the Romish faith. This indeed was one of the many, the way death has been celebrated during the inquisition in the medieval period. Philippines were not spared during the Spanish era when the Church was the one in authority over the innocent people of the archipelago. This is the picture described in Revelation 17 “a woman drunk with blood”. This Babylonian descent church is a woman, a harlot and a church posing to be the guardian of truth when in reality, IT IS THE CHURCH OF HYPOCRISY. You can hear this church through her bishops saying in the Philippines. The church is against gambling. But in reality receives regularly money coming from gambling lords or any gambling empires. Whenever gambling lords confirm the truth about it, the church’s bishops are quick to say, ah yes! We receive money from gambling sources like Bingo, Casino, Cock–fighting, and etc., but we immediately distribute it to the poor. Really? This church was announcing change and repentance during her Synod 2005 held in Bacolod City. But this is hardly seen in the no–change cultural religious system which exploits her devotees’ last centavo. False theology rooted from the ecclesiastical traditions remains untouched. Pagan practices like worships to spirits and practice of idolatry are impossibly changed within the Romish system as it has been its way of controlling the mind of the devotees in this Romish churchianity. Do you know that in this Romish Church Elizabeth was God’s aunt? John the Baptizer was God’s cousin? Joseph was God’s stepfather? This is because MARY IS THE MOTHER OF GOD. Can you imagine Mary introducing Jesus to others with the words: “This is God, my Son?” This is the pagan church that has the culture of distorting the biblical truth. Jesus Christ who has the perfect example of ‘humiliation’ that though He was in eternity “with the form of God” but in time took “the form of Man”; and in that fashion as Man, Jesus Christ never thought of “getting that form of God” something to be taken in case “a deity” power is needed. He became the perfect example of “doulos” with the virtue of obedience in the lowest level, “not a reverend,” with that old serpent’s usurpation character of the flesh and of Satan. God is Life and Life is God. No one begets Life. For Life is Eternal. No one begets God for God is Immortal. He is the Invisible God the Father of All; the Cause of All things; the Creator of all things visible and invisible. When God came to reveal Himself in the flesh that is for being true Man HE WAS FULLY SEPARATED or SANCTIFIED BY LIFE OF HIMSELF [Spirit] 1 Timothy 3:16. His “own creation” did not know Him. John 1:11; 1 Corinthians 2. MARY IS GOD’S CREATION. SHE DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHO GOD IS AND WHAT GOD IS. NO ONE KNOWS GOD FULLY (See Matt. 11:28). God has “prepared a Body” not MARY Hebrews 10:5. That Body is the Lord Jesus Himself, the Kristo, the Anointed and the Sent One. Both Mary and Joseph were rebuked when Jesus was trying to let them understand that KRISTO IS INDEPENDENT FROM THEM as being the ‘anointed’ One’ HE HAS TO DO THE WORK THAT THE FATHER HAS ETERNALLY PURPOSED IN CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF (Luke 2:50, Ephesians 3:11). When Jesus was asked about his mother, he never said of Mary, Matthew 12:50. The Apostle Paul has this purity of theology and conviction when he was saying, “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and HIM crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2. What Mary heard in the pronouncement of Jesus’ birth, “the Lord is with you,” the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the Power of the Most High will OVER SHADOW YOU; the Child to be born through you is the Son of the Most High. He is the One Who is Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ was born of a Woman BUT NOT BY THE WOMAN. Mary empirically was the mother of Jesus BUT IMPOSSIBLE TO BE THE MOTHER OF GOD. NO ELEMENT OF LIFE WHATSOEVER THAT MARY CONTRIBUTED TO JESUS PHYSICAL BODY. In Him was life, John 1:4. HE IS LIFE,John 14:6. Even Mary is dependent from THIS LIFE itself. Saint Anne and Saint Joachim made Mary in the flesh (If these parents as invented true). BUT THE SON OF GOD WAS FROM ETERNITY THE UNMADE, THE UNBORN, THE ETERNAL LOGOS – GOD, THE EVERLASTING. jmv Other articles available upon requests: * Kristoism: The Alternative Ideology * The Ultimate Philosophy: God’s Sovereignty * The Paradigm Shift: Slave Trade to Soul Trade * The Reformational Theology * Sin: God Made It! * Evolution * HH Fever * Reformed Political Alternative * Infant Baptism * TULIP * On Servant hood! * Adam: A Filipino! -------0------- Life and Times Publications Fisheries Road, Talisay City, Neg. Occ., 6115, PHILS. e-mail joyvingno@yahoo Mobile Phone: 09198854387; Tel. 433-6020
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:47:23 +0000

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