MASS EDUCATION NOT POLITICKING: Education is never neutral, but - TopicsExpress


MASS EDUCATION NOT POLITICKING: Education is never neutral, but it is a political act which can either liberate the oppressed by critically conscientising them or it can perpetuate their oppression by banking propaganda in the minds of the people, who without question embibe everything, the teacher in this case is a depositor of knowledge, while the student is a depository. A good student is one who has the humility and stupidity to regurgitate everything that he is taught without questioning the teacher. Zambia is a victim of the BANKING CONCEPT OF EDUCATION: those in power use education as a means of self-sustenance. Politicians have always flourished at the height of the peoples ignorance, which explains why someone wanted to restrict the publication of the CONSTITUTION TO ONLY 10 COPIES. In a democratic dispensation divergence of political opinion is tolerable. But the low levels to which some of our Brothers and Sisters have stooped is so astounding. You would think they are aliens, they will claim that their President has built schools and roads and this and that. So what if a government borrows heavily only to pave roads and construct some schools and Hospitals, would that translate into development? Develoment is not about infrastructure, it about PEOPLE. The quality of the economic growth must be reflected in the welfare of the people. THERE CAN BE MANY UNIVERSITIES BUT IF PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE ACCESS, WHAT GOOD DOES IT SERVE? PEOPLE CAN BE SO EDUCATED BUT IF THEY ARE UNEMPLOYED TO WHAT END. The incumbent government for instance come in power with a powerful socialist doctrine, almost managing to fool even brrilliant minds theirs was a people centred governance. But with the passage of time the truth is evident.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 06:05:45 +0000

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