MASS MUR­DER Is­lamist ex­trem­ists ex­e­cut­ing women - TopicsExpress


MASS MUR­DER Is­lamist ex­trem­ists ex­e­cut­ing women and chil­dren The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), Australia Nov 4, 2014 21 Young Mus­lims carry sym­bolic coffins of Is­lamic State vic­tims in Kar­bala yes­ter­day. Pic­ture: AP THE Is­lamic State group has car­ried out a fresh wave of mass killings, of­fi­cials said, ex­e­cut­ing more than 200 mem­bers of an Iraqi tribe which took up arms against the ji­hadists. Women and chil­dren were among scores of Albu Nimr tribes­peo­ple ex­e­cuted over the past 10 days in west­ern Iraq’s An­bar prov­ince. As the ex­e­cu­tions be­came pub­lic, Iraq was brac­ing for an ex­pected wave of IS at­tacks on Shi­ites tak­ing part in an­nual Ashura pil­grim­ages. At least 19 peo­ple died in at­tacks on Shi­ites on Sun­day. IS is a Sunni ex­trem­ist group that has seized large parts of Iraq and Syria. The ex­e­cu­tions in An­bar came af­ter Sunni Albu Nimr tribes­men took up arms against IS in the prov­ince, large parts of which have been over­run by the ji­hadists. Ac­counts var­ied as to the num­ber and tim­ings of the ex­e­cu­tions, but all sources spoke of more than 200 peo­ple mur­dered in re­cent days. Po­lice Colonel Shaa­ban alObaidi said more than 200 peo­ple were killed, while Faleh al-Es­sawi, deputy head of An­bar pro­vin­cial coun­cil, put the toll at 258. IS also de­tained dozens of mem­bers of the Jubur tribe in Sala­hed­din prov­ince, north of Bagh­dad. Jubur tribes­men and se­cu­rity forces have been hold­ing out for months against IS in the pro­vin­cial town of Dhu­luiyah. Pro-gov­ern­ment forces have suf­fered set­backs in An­bar in re­cent weeks, prompt­ing warn­ings the prov­ince, stretch­ing from the bor­ders with Jor­dan and Saudi Ara­bia to the west­ern ap­proach to Bagh­dad, could fall en­tirely. Se­cu­rity forces who wilted be­fore a IS of­fen­sive in June are fight­ing to re­take ter­ri­tory seized by the ji­hadists. Re­ports of the killings came with Iraq on edge as thou­sands of Shi­ites pre­pare to travel to Kar­bala this week on the Ashura pil­grim­age. Two car bombs tar­get­ing Shi­ites in Bagh­dad ahead of Ashura killed at least 19 peo­ple on Sun­day. The pil­grim­age is a ma­jor test for the new gov­ern­ment of Prime Min­is­ter Haidar alAbadi and se­cu­rity forces.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:26:22 +0000

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