MASS RALLY: FARMERS IN AYEYAWADY REGION ----------------------------------------------------- Over 5000 farmers from six Districts of Ayeyawady Region gathered at a mass rally on farmers affairs in Pathein on Monday. Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann extended greetings saying that 70 % of Myanmar’s populations are engaging in farming, and in Ayeyawady Region, 74 % of its population represents farmers. Among 20 million acres of monsoon and summer paddy plantations in the country, 4.3 million acres are from Ayeyawady Region representing 25 % of paddy cultivation acres of the country. That’s why, this region, the rice bowl of the country was selected to hold such a rally. The Speaker pointed out that the Law on Protecting the Rights and Promoting the Interest of Farmers has already enacted by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. The Law described for welfare of farmers including loans, technological assistance and fair price for agricultural produces. The Speaker later visited the Garment Factory in Pathein Industrial Zone which is run by Chinese investment. Over 1200 employees are working at the factory which is mainly produced knitting wears for export. At Pathein Industrial Zone, over 5000 employees are working at 3 garment factories which is run by local and foreign investments. Plans are underway to open more factories on garment, utensils and communication accessories.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:47:01 +0000

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