MATERIALS FOR A DIRTY BOMB STOLEN IN MEXICO CITY. From Mexico City to the United States border is a little over a thousand miles and a little over seventeen hours away. Radioactive material used to to treat cancer is being reported STOLEN! What was stolen can be turned into a dirty bomb and do quite a bit of KILLING! Mexican police have alerted the public as the police search. If it is known this can be made into a dirty bomb trucks are equipped with a tracking device GPS. Should not be hard to find, one would think? Coincidence one of the richest men in the world, even richer than the Koch brothers, Carlos Slim, lives in Mexico City? Yet, the technology or force is putting out warnings to the citizens while they are out searching? CNN world affairs correspondent Rajesh Mirchandani says Cobalt-60 could theoretically be used in a so-called “dirty bomb” – an explosive device that could spread radioactive material over a wide area – although there is no official suggestion this was the purpose of the theft. Mexican police are currently conducting a search for the truck and its contents and have issued a press release to alert the public to its potential dangers. pakalertpress/2013/12/05/dirty-bomb-in-the-making-truck-containing-radioactive-material-stolen-near-mexico-city/ I can say it is mind blowing to constantly watch this Ping Pong of death and destruction breaking out across the planet! I immediately asked myself...We just sent another eight and a half million dollars to Israel for military defense yet we cant protect our borders. I asked myself the United States government can commit last year, Four Hundred Twenty Three Million Dollars to Syrian Aid, and this was just from two sources, but we cant protect our borders? worldnews.nbcnews/_news/2013/06/18/19018208-obama-announces-extra-300-million-in-aid-for-syrians-refugees?lite huffingtonpost/2013/04/20/syria-rebels-aid_n_3124533.html Citizens of the planet I implore you to stand up. As citizens of Peace we need to stand in solidarity, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, voice to voice and say NO MORE! The planet is on Fire with hate and divisiveness. I believe that the human species has evolved from the very dark ages of our history. I do not believe that the hate incinerating our planet is from the majority of the citizens of the world but instead only from the few, the powerful, the Oligarchy. The New World Order. edition.cnn/2014/09/25/world/meast/isis-reach/index.html This will not be a world that is sustainable. We are on the cusp of a world war once again, if we are not already there. And simply has not been declared. Or do we delude our ourselves and hear War on Terror, and say, oh but thats somewhere else, not my back door . I read about the travesties of war and violence taking place in every corner of the globe. The planet is in crisis. I use the word planet, as the encompassed of all living. I write of my own country and our responsibility to honor the preamble of our constitution, the very reason America, was born. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. We are not living the very concept of what this country was founded on. My fellow American citizens, I implore everyone to ask ourselves is this is the world we want to live for our children and their children to live? Do we want to turn the United States, into the Middle East. The government already has the authorization to do this very thing. Droning American Citizens. Please think to yourselves regardless of political party or ideology, we as individual American citizens are under siege by your own government and those sworn to serve and protect. Citizens we must come together as a nation as a people and say NO, to war, to foreign oil, money out of politics, corporations are not Human, and therefore, not afforded the inalienable rights of mankind and YES to net neutrality. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, these are ideologies that divide and conquer, we are all living within this country of testimony, a witness to the atrocities being committed in our name, we the American citizen, we the American voter. Christian, Muslim, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish and the thousands of other religions, faiths that divide us, instead of believing that the basis of all religions, of all faiths, is LOVE. Stop the hate it is not inherent of creation it can be done. We dont have to be all the same. We dont have to believe all the same things as individual citizens, to live in harmony and coexist in tranquility. But we must act together. We must act together to ensure that democracy and the right of each citizen to life, liberty, equality and justice for all is realized, honored, cherished and protected. I ask my fellow citizens is this not at the very heart of our beings, to be free? Regardless of ideology, religion, gender, ethnicity, orientation please I ask stand with me to say. These are not divisive issues they are survival issues. Issues to our very way of life. If the below fails to happen than consider to be forewarned. NO WAR, NO FOREIGN OIL, NO MONEY IN POLITICS, NO CORPORATIONS ARE NOT HUMAN. YES TO NET NEUTRALITY.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:23:43 +0000

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