MATRU DEVA BHAVA, PITRU DEVA BHAVA, ACHARYA DEVA BHAVA. {The Mother is God,the Father is God and the Sad -Guru is God.} It is such a Great ideal,but in the Present age ,who believes in it?. The cause of our current pitiable state is Our Social Conduct. Continuous efforts to purify Social Conduct are of Great Importance on the path of Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY,because it is Social Conduct that Drives an individual,aspirant towards Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY. Individual Beings and Universe welfare lies in doing only to follow the Natural Principles of PRARBDHA (Destiny) i.e. CHAITNYA DHARMA(Self Realization of Consciousness) The world is consumed by vasanas (propensity) at every movement.The fire of materialistic wishes and expectations BURNS in the MIND of individual beings always. Submerged within this FIRE,the entire world is becoming a MORSEL of food for DEATH. By showing in path of welfare of the world every body must try to SAVE it from entering the JAWS of DEATH Such as their Tolerance that endure everything---heat,cold,rain and storm. Self -Realization in its BROADEST SENSE means the highest possible EVOLUTION of an individual being in his Life - Time. These Trees,Plant and Creepers in universe have a lot to teach an Human Being. Erasing the feeling of friendship or enmity,they give the same uniform cool shade to everybody. For human being this qualities is worth adapting,They give shade even to the person who cuts them.They offer all their parts of pruning,without grievance,with out complaint. Such as their tolerance that endure everything---heat,cold,rain and storm.They themselves stand in the sun and allow a traveler to rest in their shade.They gives fruits to others to eat.They themselves do not eat them. They do not have any attachment to their earnings.Neither do they censure anyone,nor backbite. Silently they witness the activity of the world.They please the mind of a pedestrian by their fragrance.Their flowers bloom and make the face of their visitor bloom. People who come to them receive whatever they have hoped for,be it fruits,flowers,,leaves,bark or wood. They may become dry in the heat, but will not ask anyone for water. Non-Hurting is the HIGHEST RELIGION. With self control and having equal regard for all,they too,who are attached to the SERVICE of ALL BEINGS,attain ME.(Gita12-4) Thou shall not kill is one of the ten commandments corresponding to the Vedic Dharma- AHISMA PAROMO DHARMA .-Non-Hurting is the HIGHEST RELIGION. It is a truth,which is not based on dry principles of ETHICS but stand on the SOUND & CHAITNYA (Consciousness) foundation of Universal LOVE-THE LOVE of GOD,which emanates from only pure Heart & Mind unsoiled by Sordid Selfishness,Jealousy,and Intolerance bred of personal,communal or racial interests and prejudices. THINK GLOBALLY, ACT HOMELY , SOCIALLY RELIGIOUSLY,SPIRITUALLY. FAITH ,Self Confidence and Self-Reliance are the most active forms of the WILLS-POWER and in the initial stages a person requires them in every sphere of life i.e. Social Conductivity & Spirituality. In other words,SHRADDHA or Faith is the power of WILL accompanied with the power of Karma (actions). WILL tends to emanate the creative power from the self which is out flowing,but faith is introversive. Faith,when passive is called belief and when active,it is named confidence. Faith in God or in ones own self gives the person an impetus of confidence in ones power,thertefore,will-power combined with strong active Faith supplies the requisite energy for Karma (actions). The soul of a person is SHRADDHAMAYA, i.e.a mass of Faith and confidence.AS he believes so he becomes,says GITA. Therefore,FAITH ,self confidence and self-reliance are the most active forms of the WILLS-POWER and in the initial stages a person requires them in every sphere of life i.e. Social Conductivity & Spirituality. According to the UPANISHADS, AKASH (sky) is the body of Lord ( GOD). Today the word AKASH ( Sky) is interpreted in the gross sense as VACUUM,and on a subtle plane as INNER SPACE or CHITTAKASH:. Guru Tattwa has appriately called himself LUMINOUS and established in UNIVERSAL COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of Selfishness,Ego,Hate,Hatred,Enmity,Lust,Propensity ,& Vices. The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE. Self- Introspection must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY. Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Guru Tattwa,Prarabdha. THINK GLOBALLY, ACT HOMELY , SOCIALLY RELIGIOUSLY,SPIRITUALLY.{All are ONE & ONE is All.{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality),Within}. Enabling people to help themselves by taking an holistic approach, promoting health, education and enterprise; facilitating independence not dependence.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 03:27:19 +0000

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