MATSLAN DEWSBURY BARGAIN HUNTERS BOXING DAY 2014 Who or what is missing from this group of undignified bargain hunters? Extrapolate this scene across our major cities and towns and you will see something [in fact you are already seeing it]. Its called the ethnocide and genocide of the indigenous white British race. A race whose ancestors built this land, fought for it, suffered for it and who lie buried in ancient tombs, graves and burial grounds dating back thousands of years... We are watching our land being stolen from us, literally, by people we did not invite here. People whose own ancestors lie buried in dusty lands thousands of miles away. People who have been allowed to settle here unassimilated and whose behaviour is incompatible with ours. People who often exhibit hateful, threatening and disrespectful behaviour towards the indigenous people, their customs and their ancient culture. How dare they come to our homeland and behave like this? Because the NWO/Marxists have allowed, enabled and encouraged them to do so, thats why. Far worse than that they have a proclaimed ambition to turn our Christian country into theirs. Obliterating our past, our laws and our cultural norms and replacing them with a 7th century supremacist totalitarian ideology: The Sharia. Our race and our culture are under intense threat. It is incumbent upon us to provide a future for our own children and grandchildren. To reclaim our land and our Government. Not one of us were ever asked if we wanted multiculturalism. To give our land to others who have no racial, cultural or historical ties to it and at the same time become a hated and persecuted minority in our own land. It really is one minute to twelve as Geert Wilders says...
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:23:05 +0000

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