MATTERS ARISING: AKILI SECKA EXPOSED AS AN EX-AMERICAN SOLDIER OPERATING IN THE CPP AS A CIA OPERATIVE When a Nigerian in the Diaspora, Olusola Fawehinmi, recently persistently claimed on Bob Browns Facebook timeline that Akili Secka is a CIA operative we were in expectation that Akili Secka would come out on the thread to refute the claim. The surprise is that when Akili Secka appeared on the thread he did not respond to this serious claim but rather quoted statements from Lang Nubuors previous philosophical articles and postings on Facebook as well as statements from Dr. Kwame Nkrumahs book Consciencism. He later declared an anti-Marxist debate to ostensibly establish the independence of Nkrumaism. Since Akili Secka joined the CPP, presumably after an anti-American demonstration against placing an embargo on Qaddafis Libya in Accra, he has consistently made efforts to spread an interpretation of Nkrumaism that empties it of its essential Marxist foundation. To achieve his aim he spreads doubt as to the authenticity of Dr. Kwame Nkrumahs literary executrixs (June Milnes) book The Conakry Years which is a compilation of Dr. Nkrumahs letters where he variously states his application of Marxist principles in his analyses of African society and issues. This is in spite of the fact that Dr. Nkrumahs son, Gamal Nkrumah, has consistently testified to the authenticity of those letters which he says he has seen with his own eyes. Certainly, the CIAs interest in making Dr. Nkrumahs philosophy, embraced by revolutionaries across the African continent and beyond, meaningless cannot be disputed. Akili does not only try to undermine Dr. Nkrumahs Marxist philosophy by a resort to meaningless in exposition but also to keep the CPP in a state of organizational stupor. As we write now, the CPP is in a disastrous state of organization. Be it remembered that the CIA was the hand that instigated and organized Dr. Nkrumahs overthrow together with other Western security organizations through the agency of Ghanaian security officers and some African-Americans - only a few months after that the then American failed to compel Dr. Nkrumah from publishing his book Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism . Olusola, whatever his sources, insists that Akili must not be part of the African Revolution. Akilis former colleague, Bob Brown, has stated on the thread above that he and the A-APRP (GC) do not only form part of what he is doing in Ghana but also that they do not agree with him and his interpretation of Dr. Nkrumah. The latest exposure of Akili Secka, one of others we have received, does not only take him on as to the CIA role that he is said to play to cause organizational ineptitude in the CPP but also contends his misinterpretation of Dr. Nkrumahs book Consciencism. Who is Akili Secka and who is Sekou Nkrumah (not Osagyefos son) who work together and attend CPP National Executive meetings? Does Akili have the same name in his passport? What is their real role in the CPP. The truth must come out as to why Akili and Sekou have raised an anti-Marxist and anti-Communist flag in Ghana in consonance with CIA and American government policy across Africa. We make available this rather serious and lengthen exposure in a PDF format at the blog site: consciencism.wordpress in a short while. It came to us from Horus Africanus who promises to come out with more factual incidents within the CPP. Meanwhile, we make it available below here. Forward Ever! Onward to the African Revolution. SELF-SEEKING AKILI SECKA EXPOSED! By Horus Africanus When the CIA infiltrates into an organization such as the modern CPP the worst and dangerous thing they can do to it is to infect it with a confused metaphysical exposition of an aspect of Nkrumah’s writing based upon ordinary mathematics without a dialectical analysis to them. This only proves a point that the self-acclaimed ex-US soldier, Akili Secka and his fake Sekou Nkrumah [not the son of Dr.Kwame Nkrumah] are deeply ignorant about the dialectical mode of reflection in analyzing any social condition. Because of this ideological laziness in understanding Marxism, Akili in particular fails to see how Dr. Kwame Nkrumah applies Marxism within the context of the historical development of Africa. Nkrumah states in Consciencism that “it was especially impossible to read the works of Marx and Engels as desiccated abstract philosophies having no bearing on our colonial situation. During my stay in America the conviction was firmly created in me that a great deal in their thought could assist us in the fight against colonialism. I learnt to see philosophical systems in the context of the social milieu which produced them. I therefore learnt to look for social contention in philosophical systems.” A deeper reading of Consciencism, Class Struggles in Africa and others would link you to some aspects of the abusive use of Marxist analysis by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah – which he was later very proud for that. After reading one of Akili’s infantile nursery rhymes about mass conversion into energy – [a rudimentary integrated science formula for Senior High Schools], it occurred to me that by Nkrumah applying these basic models in his Philosophical Consciencism to the extent of explaining how body is converted into mind is to be more or less only metaphysical at this level. This is therefore a retrogress as a loosed mode of social analysis as compared to dialectics. If you freeze the possible development of socialism in Ghana into just a set of formulae like this; [S ↔ m + c + d + U lib.], where’ S’ means [there is socialism in Ghana], ‘↔’ means [if and only if], ‘m’ means [philosophical materialism], ‘C’ means [philosophical consciencism in Ghana], ‘d’ [a measure of a dialectical moment which makes positive action greater than negative action in Ghana], and ‘U lib’ means [Ghana is liberated and unified]… then you are nonetheless the most reckless and lazy student of all time. Society cannot remain static, it develops, so a formula lacking its laws of development which will necessitate the expectant result cannot remain as reliable framework for social analysis. They are only just there for mathematical expression. Freezing a social condition in a form of a formulae leaves out elements such as the identification and analysis of historical class struggles in the development of socialism in Ghana; the external development of individual and collective struggles towards Ghana; the laws of development and conditions determining capital accumulation in Ghana; the developing power structure and relations which upholds the process of capital accumulation in Ghana; the likely or unlikely development of revolutionary organisations in Ghana and few others. Certainly, all cannot fit into the formula since they can’t be frozen – meaning that they all cannot be conditioned metaphysically as Nkrumah attempted to do. This CIA trained fake Nkrumaists must know that you cannot impose scientific socialism or its political programmes in Ghana as implied by the formula! Formulas do not cause revolution. Socialism has to evolve or consciously be re-evolved and guided by an organization or organizations through study and action. And how do you express such evolution or re-evolution? At a later time I will expatiate more on the weaknesses of Akili’s thought system and his nursery rhymes with regards to the use of metaphyisics. I burst out laughing when he exposed himself in an attack on a gentleman Kweku Dadzie. He states in that cheap attack that he and others were arrested just for organizing a demonstration in Ghana. Meanwhile, many progressive organisations embarked on demonstrations on progressive issues with success that same year under the authority of the same neo-colonial constitution that he attacks. Next time you learn how to consult the local political gods before you demonstrate. I will later investigate whether he and his crony went to the Freedom Center for technical advice and support. For now I will encourage him to help the CPP youth knowing well that their lives are important than your selfish-motif and ego and also knowing well that this petty-bourgeois CPP in its current form is just like the NDC, NPP and PNC who represent the neo-colonial Western interest particularly British, American and Italian interests. Be careful you don’t destroy them. And I would state that it is no great news by using Constructionism, Nominalism and Reductionism in explaining categorical conversions because in common sense they are just philosophical principles lacking the flow of historical development of each unit component and its relationship to each other in the sort of examples used in the original book. And Akili upholds them as though they are the most amazing thing in Philosophical Consciencism. Very Funny! I was expecting him to realize that the genius of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah emanates from his position and analysis of ‘Spirit’ [not ‘spirit’ as in mind or idea] as intrinsic force which is transcendental in African society. It is in fact this analytical correction based on his scientific experience during his life time has Head of State of Ghana that can thus be said to be the major contribution to the development of Marxism since Nkrumah realizes this still within a Marxist historical materialist framework that is grounded on his experience. The two fundamental set of questions on these issues are therefore; Is ‘Spirit’ a form of energy? Is it material? If it is material, what are the characteristics and basic unit? What are the various grades or commands of Spirit? If it is immaterial, what makes it immaterial? Are there laws within the universe not outside it that govern ‘Spirits’? And most importantly what is ‘faith’ in relation to such laws? Meanwhile, with the trivial attacks on Lang Nubuor and Kweku Dadzie, I intend investigating every but of the accounts. Not that I am jealous of their works but their facebook walls prove concrete reason and constructs. For instance, Nubuor and Explo Nani Kofi gigantically bring out facts and expose you about your ignorance of Nkrumah as a Marxist. Kweku Dadzie’s facebook wall does not condemn the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics as scientific models. What he doesn’t expatiate is only the fact that these models are themselves frozen metaphyisically and therefore weak for social analysis. Akili Secka, which may not be his passport identity has taken upon himself a fruitless task of attacking individuals with falsehood and his so-called mass and energy conversions often studied in SHS; a frozen statement of figures lacking laws of units and universal developments. Since nobody wastes his or her precious time commenting on his nursery rhymes he feels very arrogant. Readers will soon know Akili Secka, what role he plays in the CPP and the deeper diagnosis of the current state of the CPP itself. This will be gbeyecious as Comrade Lang Nubuor will usually say. Forward Ever! Horus Africanus The Eagle from God!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 18:54:07 +0000

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