MATTERS ARISING: MY PERSPECTIVE. IRIAEVHO PRECIOUS {Secretary-General, SUG, UNIBEN}. Every question by any UNIBEN student to me deserves an answer. I have never intentionally agreed or conspire to mislead any student, as I swore under oath to carry out my duties to the entire university students without fear or favor. … so GOD help me! Answers to more questions my fellow students … WHERE THE GOVERNMENT GOT IT WRONG I am not arguing now as to who owns the land EDO STATE GOVERNMENT OR UNIBEN, my argument is for the fact that an appeal proceeding has been initiated and what that implies is that all former judgments comes to a standstill, hence the term “STAY OF EXECUTION”, which automatically wrestle the power to claim ownership and consequently prevent the demolition of the building till a new verdict is passed. THAT IS, the government had no right yet, whatsoever to demolish any structure on that land. The government should have been patient enough until final verdict, which actually might have favored them, like the first court injunction. The case is still in court, this also means that every object, evidence or things affiliated with that case should not be tampered with, but our almighty comrade governor went ahead to demolish the properties, it’s like tampering with court evidence, in a civilized world, it’s a criminal and jail able offence already. WHY WE CALL LECTURERS FATHER. Calling the lecturers FATHERS, I believe is not out of place, I grew up in a society where respect is the mainstay and a child can have as many FATHERS and MOTHERS as possible, especially the elders and anyone who you happen to be under his or her tutelage at one point in time. And as a university student, any lecturer pass as a father in as much as you are under there tutorship and have sat at any time to receive lecture from them. And by their age, 70% of them pass as our fathers. No one is arguing about that bile and bad blood between students and lecturer, it is really appalling but an adage in my place goes thus … “You will not say you middle finger is smelly and bad and so you go ahead to cut it off”. So I believe it is improper to watch a tutor been disgraced and because he never shew you love, you opt to remain silent as revenge or payback. Ethically, morally and spiritually, it is wrong to pay evil with evil. WHO BURNT THE BUS I only arrived Edo state from Lagos state yesterday 9th of January, 2015, the direct implication of this is that I have not taken any part in the protest so far. Though it tops the reason why I cut my break short so I can get firsthand information as to happenings and not from the media who tend to circulate refined news. The protest went sour from my findings, and in such case, things were definitely going to fall apart. Honestly, I can’t really tell who set the fire for accusations are been thrown to KABAKA and our very own STUDENT UNION GOVERNMENT, and since I was not a first-hand witness, I might forever remain in the dark as to what occur. From a Logical angle, the union is been accused because we led the protest and some see it as direct and indirect implication of our actions. God know best, but now I believe we should look to a bright future, even if truly the union is guilty and see if we can still right any wrong. ALUTA: DEAD OR ALIVE? Aluta does not mean violence, it means struggle in any form, but in an educated setting like this, we look see it in its positive form {minus violence}. In UNIBEN, it is not dead, we have only agreed to be silent which makes it seem dead. We seem content with all we have and what we don’t have, with most ducking there head so as to prevent there studentship from been withdrawn. How many students will stand to defend us? WILLIAM UBONG, was killed while leading a protest due to school fees hike at basement when he was secretary-general, he was murdered in broad day light with multiple stabs to the chest with a knife, students were there with him, they all ran away and left the young man to his fate, they did not defend him neither did they carry his dead body. The painful truth was that WILLIAM was fighting for them and he died for them, for us. Let’s form an army of real intellectual soldiers to fight together and conquer, to watch each others back too. CONCLUSION I thank you all for all comments, suggestion and criticism so far. It is warming to know that at least we are starting to communicate, and hopefully, we will arrange a general-assembly to chart a new course. Take it lightly on us, we are human and we are not perfect too. That is why we need YOU! THANKS. still your ever loyal boy... IRIAEVHO PRECIOUS.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:34:39 +0000

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