MATTHEW 27 (Yesterdays Chapter) And at that time they had a - TopicsExpress


MATTHEW 27 (Yesterdays Chapter) And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. (Matthew 27:16 NKJV) Barabbas means son of Abba. Bar, son. Abba, God - see Romans 8:14-17. So, Barabbas essentially means son of God. Jesus is the Son of God. In Matthew 27, Pilate presents to the Jews a choice. Who would they rather have, the son of God or The Son of God? Dont miss the significance there, beloved. Here is an issue of counterfeit. Barabbas was the son of God in name only. Jesus was the true Son of God. Barabbas was described as notorious. Extra Biblical sources tell us even more about Barabbas. He had claimed to be the messiah. He claimed to have authority to establish a new order in which anything he obtains by theft and robbery belonged to him. Barabbas had actually started a riot to overthrow the Roman government and was arrested for sedition. He had even performed some miracles - empowered by satanic agencies. He was zealous, rebellious and violent. This sort of messiah worked well for the Jews who hated the Roman government. He stood as a rebel with a course. A king they could follow in order to overthrow the government. So the Jews were presented with the choice; son of God or Son of God. We all know the choice they made. They chose to defend the son of God at the expense of the Son of God. What choice would you have made? I see how often people defend zealously a tradition they hold dear because it fits in nicely with their perception of what church or religion should be. They defend their tradition even at the expense of Jesus. They would rather have Jesus crucified than let go of their traditional values which are not even Biblical! I have seen how people defend zealously their Pastors, Priests or Prophets because they represent what they satisfy their earthly desires; whether it be possessions or religious pride. Even where their person has violated the laws of the land and the Bible, they jealously defend them and would rather the person is released and Jesus crucified. Beloved, what are the things you are holding on to that are incompatible with Jesus. The choice is yours today. Who do you want to have? Jesus or Barabbas? Revived By His Word
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 05:45:18 +0000

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