MAWLID AN-NABIYYI: some evidences and approval of its - TopicsExpress


MAWLID AN-NABIYYI: some evidences and approval of its Permissibility, acceptability and recommendation from scholars of four (4) mazhabs and salafiyya……… (3) This is a rejoinder to write-ups on Facebook pages or statuses, shared write-ups, likes and comments against Mawlid an-nabiyyi. Imam Abu Shama’s opinion about mawlid an-nabiyyi: Imam Abu Shama (Imam Nawawis shaykh) in his book “Al baith ala Inkar Al bida` wal hawadith” (pg.23) said; One of the best innovations in our time is what is being done every year on the Prophets birthday, such as giving charity, doing good deeds, displaying ornaments, and expressing joy, for that expresses the feelings of love and veneration for him in the hearts of those who are celebrating, and also, shows thankfulness to Allah for His bounty by sending His Messenger, the one who has been sent as a Mercy to the worlds. Imam Al Shihab Al Qastalani’s about mawlid an-nabiyyi: Imam Al Shihab Al Qastalani (Al Bukharis commentator) in his book “Al mawahib Al Ladunniya” (1-148) said; May Allah have mercy on the one who turns the nights of the month of the Prophets birth into festivities in order to decrease the suffering of those whose hearts are filled with disease and sickness. The Mufti of Mecca According to the Mufti of Mecca Ahmad ibn Zayni Dahlan, in his book “al-Sira al-nabawiyya wa al-athar al-muhammadiyya”, page 51: To celebrate the Mawlid and to remember the Prophet is accepted by all the Ulama of the Muslims. Most of the following quotations are taken from that work. Imam Subki Imam Subki said, When we were celebrating the Prophets birthday, a great (familiarity) comes to our heart, and we feel something special. Imam Shawkani Imam Shawkani in his book “al-Badr at-tali”, said: It is permissible to celebrate the Prophets birthday. He mentioned that Mullah `Ali Qari held the same opinion in a book entitled al-Mawrid ar-Rawi fi al-Mawlid al-Nabawi, written specifically to support the celebration of the Prophets birthday. Ibn Hajar al-Haytami Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Haytami said; As Jews celebrated the day of `Ashura by fasting to thank Allah, we also have to celebrate the day of Mawlid, and he quoted the aforementioned hadith, When the Prophet came to Madina... Ibn Hajar continues, One gives thanks to Allah for the favor that He gave on a particular day either through a great good, or through the averting of a disaster. That day is celebrated every year thereafter. Thanksgiving entails various forms of worship like prostration, fast, charity, and recitation of Quran, and what greater good is there than the advent of that Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, on the day of Mawlid?
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:21:37 +0000

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