MAY 13, 2014 In a free society, voting is a right, not a - TopicsExpress


MAY 13, 2014 In a free society, voting is a right, not a privilege! On May 13, 2014, the voters of the city of Newark will have the right and the responsibility to elect their leaders for the next 4 years. Regardless of color, creed, ethnicity or any other factors, our decision should be based on what the various candidates have done, their character, and what they intend to offer as solutions to the problems we face and will face in the future. As you know, Im running for re-election for East Ward Councilman and Im also supporting Shavar Jeffries for Mayor along with the entire Jeffries Team. Thus, Im asking that, on May 13, 2014, you vote for A1, B1, B2, B3, B13, and C5. Im running for re-election based on my record of results, not promises! Im running for re-election because property taxes have been lowered by approximately 16%; Im running for re-election because two new schools are being built in our community; Im running for re-election because two new parks were built while the old ones were renovated; Im running for re-election because we were able to put 50 new recruits into the Police Academy and added 21 new recruits to the Fire Department; Im running for re-election because were renovating the Ironbound Stadium and its B Field; Im running for re-election because Ive been able to, successfully, fight corruption in City Hall; Im running for re-election because the Chestnut Street Firehouse was renovated; Im running for re-election because we have been able to reduce violent crime in the East Ward; Im running for re-election because we created and are creating more job opportunities in our Ward.. Above all, Im running for re-election because Im as committed to do a good job as I was in 1998, when I first was elected; Im running for re-election because I believe that the trust we have been able to create and develop is stronger today than in 1998; Im running for re-election because when our community needs my help, I am there and will be in the future so we can continue making progress and move our Ward and the City forward. Thank you for your support! ******************************************* Numa sociedade livre, o voto e um direito e nao um privilegio! No dia 13 de Maio de 2014, os eleitores da cidade de Newark terao o direito de escolher os seus lideres politicos para os proximos 4 anos. Independentemente da cor da pele, etnia ou mesmo religiao dos candidatos, o importante e que a escolha seja feita com base no caracter dos candidatos, no trabalho que eles tem feito em prol dos residentes da comunidade e nas solucoes que apresentarem para resolver os problemas que temos hoje e teremos no futuro. Como sabem, sou candidato a re-eleicao para Vereador do Bairro Leste de Newark. Apoio, tambem, Shavar Jeffries para Mayor e a sua equipa. Por isso, peco que, no dia 13 de Maio de 2014, votem em A1, B1, B2, B3, B13, e C5. Estou a concorrer para ser re-eleito porque apresento resultados e nao ofereco promessas! Estou a concorrer porque os impostos prediais baixaram em cerca de 16%; estou a concorrer porque renovamos os dois parques enquanto construimos dois novos; estou a concorrer porque conseguimos adicionar mais 50 novos policiais e mais 21 novos bombeiros; estou a concorrer porque estamos, finalmente, a renovar o estadio do Ironbound e o seu Campo B ; estou a concorrer porque tenho tido sucesso na minha luta contra a corrupcao no City Hall; estou a concorrer porque renovamos o Quartel dos Bombeiros da Chestnut Street; estou a concorrer porque conseguimos reduzir o nivel de crime violento no Bairro Leste; estou a concorrer porque criamos e estamos a criar mais oportunidades de emprego no nosso Bairro. Acima de tudo, estou a concorrer porque me sinto tao determinado hoje como estava em 1998; estou a concorrer porque acredito que a confianca que.existe entre mim e os eleitores do Bairro Leste de Newark e hoje ainda mais forte do que em 1998; estou a concorrer porque em tempos de crise eu estive, sempre, com os residentes do Bairro e estarei, novamente, para assim podermos construir, no futuro, um Bairro e uma cidade mais fortes. Obrigado pelo vosso apoio!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 22:24:51 +0000

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