MAY 16, 2014 – NATIONAL BIKE TO WORK DAY – ENDANGERED SPECIES DAY – NATIONAL DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION DAY – NATIONAL PIZZA PARTY DAY – NASCAR DAY – NATIONAL SEA MONKEY DAY – NATIONAL PIERCING DAY – NATIONAL COQUILLES SAINT JACQUES DAY cbswlaw #Schwam-WilcoxandAssociates NATIONAL BIKE TO WORK DAY The month of May is National Bike Month and in 2014, the week of May 12-16 is Bike to Work Week with today’s special holiday, National Bike to Work Day on May 16. A Growing number of various bicycle-related events will be held in communities nationwide during National Bike Month, Week and Year. In the United States, from the year 2000 to 2011, the number of bicycle commuters grew by more than 47 percent. National Bike to Work Day promotes the bicycle as a healthy and safe alternative for commuting to work. NATIONAL BIKE TO WORK DAY HISTORY National Bike to Work Day, an “unofficial” national holiday, originated in 1955 by the League of American Bicyclists and is endorsed by the American Medical Association. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENDANGERED SPECIES DAY Each year on the third Friday in May, it is Endangered Species Day. Today is an opportunity for everyone to learn about the importance of protecting endangered species, their habitats and the actions necessary to do so. Every year you can participate along with thousands of others at events to celebrate Endangered Species Day at wildlife refuges, zoos, parks, community centers, aquariums, botanical gardens, libraries and schools. The 40th anniversary of the Federal Endangered Species Act was celebrated in 2013. Designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction as a “consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation”, it was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 28, 1973. The Act is administered by two federal agencies, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION DAY National Defense Transportation Day is a United States Federal Observance Day that is annually observed on the third Friday in May. “According to 36 U.S.C. § 120, on National Defense Transportation Day, the president urges “the people of the United States, including labor, management, users, and investors, in all communities served by the various forms of transportation to observe National Defense Transportation Day by appropriate ceremonies that will give complete recognition to the importance to each community and its people of the transportation system of the United States and the maintenance of the facilities of the system in the most modern state of adequacy to serve the needs of the United States in times of peace and in national defense.”” (Wikipedia) National Defense Transportation Day is a special part of National Transportation Week. NATIONAL DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION DAY HISTORY “On May 16, 1957, Congress designated the third Friday of May each year as National Defense Transportation Day. In 1962 Congress included the whole week within which the Friday falls as National Transportation Week.” A proclamation is signed each year by the current President of the United States. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL PIZZA PARTY DAY! Each year on the third Friday in May, millions of pizza lovers across the nation join together in celebrating National Pizza Party Day. Join along by inviting friends and family to share a night of fun, with everyone’s preferred topping pizza. ◦In ancient Greece, the Greeks covered their bread with oils, herbs and cheese which some believe is the beginning of the “pizza”. ◦In Byzantine Greek, the word was spelled “πίτα”, pita, meaning pie. ◦A sheet of dough topped with cheese and honey, then flavored with bay leaves was developed by the Romans. ◦The modern pizza had it’s beginning in Italy as the Neapolitan flat-bread. ◦The original pizza used only mozzarella cheese, mainly the highest quality buffalo mozzarella variant which was produced in the surroundings of Naples. ◦It was estimated that the annual production of pizza cheese in the United States in 1997 was 2 billion pounds. ◦The first United States pizza establishment opened in 1905 was in New York’s Little Italy. ◦Pizza has become one of America’s favorite meals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NASCAR DAY Annually celebrated, across the United States, on the third Friday in May it is NASCAR Day. This day is a celebration of NASCAR drivers, celebrities, corporate partners, media, and millions of fans coming together to raise fund for charitable causes. “We believe our greatest asset is the power and passion of our NASCAR fans: passion both for the sport and for giving back. NASCAR Day is an annual celebration of this NASCAR spirit.” 2014 celebrates the 11 year anniversary of NASCAR Day! For more information: foundation.nascar/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?&pid=279&srcid=279 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL SEA MONKEY DAY National Sea Monkey Day is celebrated each year on May 16. Most of us have the memories of waiting for our mail order shipment of sea monkeys. The order usually contained the small “aquarium-like” hatching kit for them to live and grow in. Sea Monkeys are a type of ”Artemia” (brine shrimp). They got their name because of their monkey-tail like look. Following the popularity of the ant farms, Harold von Braunhut invented the “Sea Monkeys” and hatching kits in 1957. He did most of his advertising through comic books and was quoted as saying “I think I bought something like 3.2 million pages of comic book advertising a year. It worked beautifully.” These little crustaceans have made their appearances on television shows including: Spin City, Roseanne, Night Court, South Park, The Simpsons, It’s Garry Shandling’s Show and Desperate Housewife’s. Sea Monkeys were taken into space with astronaut John Glenn on October 29, 1998 aboard Space Shuttle discovery. They returned to Earth after spending nine days in space and the eggs hatched eight weeks later, apparently unaffected by their travels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL PIERCING DAY National Piercing Day, which is celebrated each year on May 16, was created simply as a day to promote piercing. Stores, shops, boutiques and salons across the country offer piercing specials and other promotions on National Piercing Day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL COQUILLES SAINT JACQUES DAY May 16 celebrates National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day, a food holiday celebrated annually. Today is dedicated to the delicious Coquilles Saint Jacques dish, a dish usually consisting of scallops combined with a mixture of butter, cream, mushrooms and cheese, baked in a scallop shell. Enjoy the following “tried and true” recipe: food/recipe/delicious-coquilles-st-jacques-372864 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAY 16 HOLIDAYS CELEBRATED AROUND THE WORLD: LOVE A TREE DAY – NATIONAL BIOGRAPHERS DAY – WEAR PURPLE FOR PEACE DAY- ENDANGERED SPECIES DAY (THIRD FRIDAY) – INTERNATIONAL ENDANGERED SPECIES DAY – INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS DAY (THIRD FRIDAY) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RESOURCES: nationaldaycalendar/days-2/national-endangered-species-day-may-17/ nationaldaycalendar/days-2/national-defense-transportation-day-may-17/ nationaldaycalendar/days-2/national-nascar-day-may-17/ nationaldaycalendar/days-2/national-coquilles-saint-jacques-day-may-16/ nationaldaycalendar/days-2/national-sea-monkey-day-may-16/ nationaldaycalendar/days-2/national-cheese-pizza-day-september-5/
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 17:29:26 +0000

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