MAY I ADVICE ON WHY YOUR BACK IS SO BENT CARRYING A LOAD OF CIVIL RIGHTS? When Ferguson MO. recently blew up into racial civil unrest, was it really about UNSEPARATE BUT EQUAL, or was it really about SEPARATE BUT EQUAL? And, heres something relevant for assisting you with answering that question in your head. As a black person, Why is my back bent so far over from carrying this here baggage of civil rights? A baggage not only put there by Ole Massa himself, but front-loaded by him as well. As I look back on the infamous civil rights case of Plessy vs. Ferguson, thats right, Ferguson, as in Ferguson MO., get it, the case lends itself as a hallmark on civil rights being bagged with Ole Massa fabricating another one of his ingenious instruments to deny, and deprive black peoples free-will, based around their independence to self-determine equal access to this nations wealth. In briefly summing up my assessment on the Plessy vs. Ferguson case, the Negro Plessy (Mulatto) in 1892 took it upon himself to take seating inside a railroad coachman car designated for Whites only. Basically, Plessy was filled with anger as he reached an emotional reactionary point of taking matters into his own hands. Unable to no longer tolerate being forced by slave codes (Jim Crow) to ride inside a dilapidated, and run-down railroad coachman car designated for black people, Plessy seized upon the moment to take up seating among the Whites riding in an upgraded class. But then, the intervention of Ole Massas judicial system getting ahold of his case for a legal decision, set-in-motion a window of opportunity for Ole Massa creating lies of deception at further covering-up his real intent. You see, Ole Massa went forth to tell our world that Plessy vs. Ferguson was about public accommodations being decided on the issues of SEPARATE BUT EQUAL, when in fact Plessys complaint from the very beginning was about black people needing to be separated from their Slavemaster as free people, and the chains were basically still in place upon their lives for doing nothing more than denying equal rights of access to a nations wealth. A world that went on to be misled by Ole Massa pulling the wool over their eyes on UNSEPARATED AND UNEQUAL AS A LESSER TREATED RACE OF PEOPLE IN VIOLATION (A Hidden Truth on Aboriginal Black Tribes of The Americas). When we look back on the history of civil rights as it was evolving throughout slaverys perennial history, and even before Emancipation Proclamation, Ole Massa had figured that his ingenious social instrument of civil rights would serve well throughout centuries to come. In looking back before Plessy vs. Ferguson at the passage of the Civil Rights Act. of 1875, one can recognize truth of my statements. The so called landmark legislation on civil rights supposedly addressing issues of citizenship rights of treatment regarding Black people, ultimately met its faith in 1883 by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling it unconstitutional. Heres a web-link article addressing those facts on the 1875 Civil Rights legislation: You see, Ole Massa had already calculated on how to go about tactfully front-loading that bag of civil rights with a future vision in mind. A strategic vision formulated around distancing all thoughts, and revitalized efforts attempting to restore Black peoples sovereign rights of self-determination. A brainwashing exodus intended to completely mask a reality of Black peoples aboriginal origins being linked to the Americas. As time has gone on, and the right time seems to reveal itself socially, Ole Massa crafts himself legislative civil rights to front-loaded that mighty huge bag hes strapped on the backs of Black people. That legislative civil rights of his has amounted to resourcefully using White woman, White European immigrants/refugees, Asian immigrants/refugees, Hispanic immigrants/refugees, and whomever else he can imaginatively resort to use as effectively distancing the chances of black people rightfully claiming SEPARATE BUT EQUAL nationhood status of the Americas. Again, the status of restoring Black peoples aboriginal rights of self-determination as a Black Nation is where he sees threat of dismantling his imperialist agenda. Ask yourself, was it legally right in the first place for Ole Massa to create legislation of civil rights as determining how Black people must socially be integrated/assimilated into his ideological views, and beliefs on civilization? The answer to that question is absolutely not, because Ole Massa was never ordained by the divine destiny as set-forth through Mother Natures universal forces. Therefore, it was wrong from the very beginning for Ole Massa to have laid his hand upon enslaving her Chosen People. Those whom she have given a divine destiny of leading all others in their conduct on this Earth. HERES A TIMELINE ON CIVIL RIGHTS: OH! WHY ARE YOU WALKING AROUND MY BLACK BROTHER, AND BLACK SISTER WITH THAT MIGHTY HUGE BAG OF CIVIL RIGHTS ON YOUR BACK? THAT BACK OF YOURS IS BENT OVER QUITE FAR FROM TOTING AROUND THAT MIGHTY HUGE BAG, AND I RECON NO ONE HAS CONVINCED YOU OF PITCHING IT TO THE SIDE AS UNNECESSARY GARBAGE. WELL NOW, TAKE MY SOUND ADVICE AS A REVOLUTIONARY BLACK NATIONALIST BY CONVINCING YOU TO DISPOSE OF THAT UNNECESSARY BAGGAGE, AND JOIN OUR REVOLUTIONARY BLACK MOVEMENT AT RESTORING BLACK SOVEREIGN RIGHTS OF BLACK NATIONHOOD. A MOVEMENTON THATLL ENSURE KEEPING YOUR BACK ERECTED IN A STRAIGHT-UP POSITION, WHILE EFFECTIVELY PURSUING BLACK NATIONALISM TO DELIVER YOU FROM OLE MASSAS ENSLAVING BONDAGE.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:01:57 +0000

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