MAYAN MESSAGE Lamat 4 Discover Your Truth Today is Lamat - TopicsExpress


MAYAN MESSAGE Lamat 4 Discover Your Truth Today is Lamat 4. It is a grand day, one of great celebration, for you have chosen to be alive on planet Earth. Many of you take your life for granted, not knowing the full magnitude of your power and Spiritual Essence. We are here to help you remember the power within yourself and the ripple effects of every conscious thought you have. Most of you feel separated from your family and friends when they “cross over,” but this need not be, for they are as alive and vibrant as you, although their world is unseen by most of you. Those times are coming to an end, for the Veils are thinning and more people are able to see the Other Side, if only for a brief moment in time. However, these moments are life changing. How can you not believe in the After Life once you have experienced it? Others of you feel separated from family and friends when one moves a far distance, this need not be so, either. Each of you has the ability to communicate in more ways than through the use of electronic devices. Hone your ability to connect intuitively and you will understand. There are many people and books that can assist those who are ready to increase their psychic abilities. Unfortunately, many of you balk at such undertakings because your religions have instilled belief codes associating the devil with psychic abilities. This is unfortunate, yet the early fathers had reasons for doing so. In many cases there were people using these powers to destroy and manipulate others. Yet it was these same people who ultimately made the choice to deny these abilities to the common people. How well can you control others when they are on an equal understanding as yourself? Many of these beliefs were placed into your religious documents as a means to control people by making them feel less than the gods and religious leaders. If you want to control others, the first thing you must do is make them believe that you are of a higher understanding, someone with knowledge that only they have the ability to understand. This hierarchy of governance has been the downfall for man throughout earth’s history. The time has come for each of you to look closely at every belief you hold to be true. Most beliefs were inhaled on blind faith, never once questioning the authority of those who proclaimed these truths. Have you taken the time to go back into the original documents to see what was written so long ago? It is a very difficult task indeed, for most of those documents were destroyed long ago, yet many are being rediscovered. You may find the distortions of many of those truths you hold dear to your heart have no foundation in truth. No matter what words are written or lost, the Truth is ever-present in the world around you. There is much you can learn by observing Nature in action, for Nature is a reflection of the Creator. All is perfectly balanced and in harmony when there is no human intervention. Have you studied the symbiosis between plants, animals and landscape? Every birth, every new sprout unto itself is a miracle. You also are given the ability to sprout and grow when given the proper circumstances. Do you wish to believe there is a punishing creator who selects humans to toss into eternal damnation? Is there such an experience happening in Nature? Do you see trees battling for positions of authority? You may see things such as this within the animal kingdom, but it is for their survival that authority is established, not for dominion over others. When was the last time you saw birds uniting to war against other bird tribes? You may see some birds attempting to rob the nests of others for their meal. Once again, this is a symbiotic relationship designed to keep balance in Nature. Humans war against each other for greed and feign they are saviors in order to gain control over the resources of other nations. Territorial maps sadden us. We look at the lines of demarcation, such as states and countries, separating brothers and sisters. Humans mark their territory as a cherished possession then do all in their power to keep others from trespassing on their claimed land. When the Earth was created, it was designed to be used freely by all, not parceled off into little bundles of separation. We look forward to the time when all of our human brothers re-awaken to the truth that they all are from the same Creator, that no church holds the only path to salvation. Many of your religions speak of being the only pathway to truth. How can this be? Do you not believe that your Creator allows you to connect directly? Would you create anything less in your family? How unfortunate, indeed, is the person who has the inability to connect with his God until the right person shows up to do it for him. Does this make sense to you? We are here to assist in uniting all of humanity into One, for we came from one Source and we shall return to one Source. We could continue on, but we know that those who most need to hear these words are likely to have their minds closed and will toss these words aside. Yet we know that many of you are seeking. You have experienced the world’s religions and have a yearning to know more, for you inwardly know there is more to be ascertained. We applaud you for your courage to reach out and seek for Truth. You do not have to seek far, for the Truth always remains within you. The ability to go inside and to connect with your Higher Self and Source is within your grasp. Many do not realize they are able to do so. It is your intuition, that inner knowing, that is your connection. Paying attention to this knowingness is your key to fine tuning your connection to Source. All of you have this ability. Granted, some are more adept and have had longer relationships with these abilities. This makes none of you more or less important, for you are all one. The human persistence in categorizing and judging others is a major downfall and detrimental to your overall growth. There are many admiral books on the subject of increasing your ability to connect with your Higher Self, Angels and Guides. We will not elaborate here; however, we will give you some suggestions on finding books that will answer your questions. When you enter a bookstore or go online to check out books, have the questions you are seeking firmly in your mind. This could simply be a statement such as, “Show me a book that will help me to connect with my Higher Self.” Pay close attention to what happens around you. If you are in a bookstore, you may feel drawn to go to a certain aisle, a book may fall at your feet, perhaps a volume will speak to you or a book may look lighter than others. Another method is to place the book in your hands while firmly planting your feet on the ground. Keeping your knees unlocked and body balanced, notice if you tend to slightly sway forward or backward. Swaying forward is a “yes” answer, swaying backward is a “no” answer. If you are online, you may find that your computer screen goes to a book that you didn’t type in. Some of you may be skilled in using kinesiology or the use of pendulums; these are also tools that can be used to find the right books and materials to answer your current questions. Many others feel sensations or gut feelings; these are also valid responses to what is right and perfect for you in that moment. There are a variety of ways to ascertain what is for your highest good and for the highest good of all concerned. Begin to hone these skills until you trust your responses in all situations. Take an honest look at the church you attend or your study groups. Is there a format in which you can question the teachings? If not, then this is a close-minded group and you would do well to find another format in which you can learn and grow at your own pace. Take notice of what you have believed from youth, for the religion of your parents may be out-dated and stunting your growth. Dare to be open-minded and look for Truth in all things. Ask questions, especially of those who have thoughts different from your own. Instead of perpetuating the differences among yourselves, learn to work together and discover the similarities. Break down the barriers of separation. There are no two among you who have the same beliefs in all things. Each of you is unique, with the ability to change your mind. This is the beauty of being human, being able to think what you choose, to behave as you choose and to change what does not feel right for you. This is a God-given right that you were blessed with when you entered this Realm. It is called “free will” and although it frees you to do whatever you choose, there are repercussions that come with each choice you make. However, when you choose to exercise your free will to do things that are kind, humble and for your highest good and for the highest good of all concerned, you will find yourself living a life with a higher vibrational frequency called “love.” This does not mean your life will be easier or that you will earn the respect of others. This does mean that you will begin living in integrity and that peace, joy and kindness are gifts you will receive. Can you think of a better way to spend your days on Earth? We conclude by encouraging you to go within and take note of the beliefs that are dear to your heart and have the courage to question whether they continue to be valid for you. We are here to assist when you are ready to make changes and release the fears associated with these changes. We love you beyond human measurement and are in awe of you. Even if you cannot hear us or see us with your physical senses, know that we are close by to help lead you on the Path of your choosing. Selamet! Lamat 4
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 14:44:35 +0000

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