MAYAN MESSAGE The Path to Peace I am Cauac 8. Welcome to this - TopicsExpress


MAYAN MESSAGE The Path to Peace I am Cauac 8. Welcome to this day of peace and love. Although your life may be in turmoil, you have within you the ability to stay calm and peaceful every moment of your life. Like any attitude or emotion, you are fully in charge. Can anyone else make you happy? No, you may feel happy, but that is your choice. It is this way for all emotions. In your daily life, your attitude of gratitude will open doors to realms of deep personal peace that you have possibly never experienced before. You may ask how you can maintain a sense of peace when you are surrounded by strife. There are many tools you can use to achieve a state of peace in all circumstances. The first we would like to mention is daily meditation. This can mean several hours of sitting quietly or simply setting your intention for the day each morning when you arise. If you often get upset over small details or things that others say or do, it is likely you would benefit by taking more quiet time to remain balanced. With practice, you have the ability to master your emotions to the point where nothing can upset you. You will understand that each is walking their Path and responsible for their actions. You will be in a place of unconditional love, knowing you are responsible only for the things you say and do. Within you lies the ability to overcome any obstacle, whether it is a physical ailment, difficult relationship or challenging event. You have the ability to choose what you wish to experience. With your conscious intention and focus on changing speech patterns, negative thinking and reactionary behaviors, you will mold your life into magic, experiencing peace beyond understanding. To get to this point of peace, it will take much attention, especially in the beginning. At first, it may be tedious to monitor your thoughts, however, with diligent practice you will quickly realize your weak areas and be able to change them. Each habit you master opens new doors of healing. As you change your way of thinking and monitor related habits, your brain waves change as well as the patterns that holds these habits in place. You now have the ability to change the old tapes and re-write new patterns and habits more fitting for the life you wish to live. There is no bad memory or wound that cannot be changed by consciously paying attention to it. Setting the intention and taking the necessary steps towards acting in a more suitable way is the natural step that follows. Begin today to monitor every word you utter. What was the underlying thought that prompted those words? Were they necessary? Did they come from a place of past hurt that is still raw and needs to be released? Pay attention to your reactions to what others say and do; they are indicators of your internal health. If you have any dis-ease within your body, pay attention to it. Learn to connect with your body to find out what it needs. Many have direct conversations with their bodies, knowing it is capable of communicating its needs. If you are unable to talk directly to your body or are unsure of what you are sensing, you may want to try a dowsing technique. There are several methods; muscle testing and kinesiology are two of these forms. Research available methods and choose any that feels right for you. Some people train themselves to feel specific sensations when testing the body to see which foods or products it prefers to maintain perfect health. Others have the ability to speak to the body in direct communication, like talking to a friend. Honor your body by giving it the nutrients and exercise it needs to maintain perfect health. Change negative thinking patterns to positive thoughts; this will enhance the vibration capable of healing all disease and create the peace and harmony you are seeking. Even the aging process can be stopped by dropping belief codes. Another important method to maintaining a peaceful environment is to eradicate stress in your life. This could include a cluttered living space, too much volunteer work, physical labor that drains you, relationships that require a lot of energy or constantly being on the go. Music, movies and books have the potential to raise or lower your vibrational level. Living consciously involves looking at every aspect of your life, every choice you make. Once you are consciously aware of your patterns, you can make the choice to keep them or to change them. Your patterns must be constantly monitored until your desired habits become first nature. You will then remain in peace no matter what circumstances are presented to you. Read about people who have mastered their lives and gain insight into ways that were successful for them; integrate their ideas that resonate with you. Once you make the choice to gain mastery over your life, you will find clues to help you along the way. This intuition comes from within as well as without, with assistance from your Angels and Guides in the unseen world who are ready to assist as you progress towards your goal of peace and harmony. Selamet! Cauac 8
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 01:58:31 +0000

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