MBA-3 OB TEST-1 1. (a) Define Organization Behavior (b)Brief - TopicsExpress


MBA-3 OB TEST-1 1. (a) Define Organization Behavior (b)Brief about its characteristics and importance 2. Explain OB model. Why it is important for managers. Discuss it. 3. What is paradigm? How will the paradigm shift effect management? What are the implications of this paradigm shift for organization Behavior? TEST-2 1. (a) What is meant by the term, perception? (b) Indentify and explain briefly the different factors behind the perception. 2. (a) Differentiate between sensation and perception. (b) What are the sub processes of perception? 3. What are the strategies used by employees for impression management. TEST-3 1. Define Organization commitments? Also explain the types of organizational commitment with examples. 2. Define personality. Also explain five big models of personality. 3. Discuss the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation. TEST-4 1. (a) What is meant by term attitude? (b) Identify and explain briefly the different components of attitude. 2. Define Motives; also explain the types of Motives. 3. Define learning. Also explain social theory of learning with its process. TEST-5 1. Explain what do you understand by negotiation? Briefly explain the various stages of the negotiation process. 2. Define rewards. Also explain the monetary reward. Is monetary reward important to motivate employee? 3. Define conflict. Also explain the type of conflicts. Which arises in the organization? S. MANAGEMENT TEST-1 1. (a) What are capabilities? What must firm do to create capabilities? (b) Explain the following a. Competitive advantage b. SWOT analysis c. Strategy Vs policy d. Vision and mission e. Capabilities 2. The external environment is the set of factors that directly influences the firms. Explain it with the help of best model 3. Define strategic management. Describe the stages in strategic management process. TEST-2 1. Explain environmental scanning. Discuss the significance of environmental analysis in strategy formulation. 2. (a) What are organizational mission. What important information appears on mission statement? (b)Discus the process of establishing organizational direction. 3. Explain resources, capabilities, core competency and competitive advantage with suitable examples. TEST-3 1. Describe the role of Functional Strategies as a whole in strategic management. 2. (a)Write down the functions of Personnel Management Department. (b)Write down a note on relationship marketing approach. 3. (a)Describe McGregor’s Theory-X and Theory-Y in detail. (b)Write down a note on production policies. TEST-4 1. Why do organizations segment markets and target particular groups of consumers? 2. (a) Write down a note on Product Positioning. (b) Explain the following 3Cs of Marketing Financial Ratios 3. What external and internal conditions are necessary for a firm to diversify? TEST-5 1. There is a growing trend of increased collaboration among competitors. List the benefits and drawbacks of this practice? 2. Why is it not advisable to pursue too many strategies at once? Discuss. 3. Discuss why is it important to empower managers and employees for better strategy implementation? LOGIC TEST-1 Paper-1 TEST-2 Paper-2 TEST-3 Paper-3 TEST-4 Paper-4 ENTREPRENEURSHIP TEST-1 1. What is entrepreneurship? Discuss its characteristics? 2. Explain importance of entrepreneurship. Potential draw backs and how these pitfalls can be avoided? 3. How entrepreneurship can be differentiated with Wage employment, Manager, Sole proprietor, Self employment & capitalist. TEST-2 1. What are 25 top entrepreneurial characteristics? 2. Discuss various types of entrepreneurs. 3. What are the various types of innovations? Discuss their sources. TEST-3 1. What is the process of creativity? Enumerate barriers to creativity and how creativity can be enhanced? 2. What is school of thought approach and process approach? Discuss in detail to understand theory of development of entrepreneurship? 3. What is business plan please explain outline of a business plan? TEST-4 1. What is a marketing plan? Elaborate steps involved in development of the plan. 2. What is a financial plan? Discuss its essential elements. 3. What is operations & production plan? Explain its main contents. TEST-5 1. Explain the organizational plan. Also discuss important points to be kept in view for preparation of the same. 2. What is compensation plan? Give details of its components and objectives. 3. What is the step by step approach for development of a new small scale business? MIS TEST-1 1. (a) Define Management Information System (MIS). Explain Goals of information system in detail. (b) Enlist the main types of MIS sub-system. 2. (a) What do you mean by strategic planning? Explain the strategic planning model. (b) Explain the contingency approach with examples. 3. (a) Explain different key issues and challenges in MIS. (b) Briefly explain the system models. TEST-2 1. (a) What do you mean model? Explain different level of models. (b)Differentiate between open and specific model with examples. 2. (a) Define main components of computer- based information system. (b) Define information system management. 3. (a) Explain model. Define different types of models with the help of diagram. (b)Explain the strategic MIS planning. TEST-3 1. (a)What is Database model? Explain different database model in detail. (b) Explain different limitation of traditional file system. 2. (a) What do you mean by database? Write down advantages and disadvantages of database management. (b) Explain the contingency approach with examples. 3. (a) Explain the different level of management. (b) Write down characteristics of effective information. TEST-4 1. (a)What do you mean by data management? Discuss major issues in data management. (b)Differentiate Primary key and Foreign/secondary key with examples. 2. (a)Explain database models with the help of diagram where necessary. (b)A model plays important role while designing a good database. Give comments on this statement. 3. Explain the following terms: SQL Concurrent access Database security TEST-5 1. (a)Define transaction processing system (TPS).Explain the role of IT in transaction processing. (b)Explain the group decision support system (GDSS) goals. 2. (a) Explain the executive information system. Explain the development of Expert system. (b)Explain the concept of data dictionary with examples. 3. (a) Explain the office automation system. Explain different types of office automation system. (b)Explain the components of expert system
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:01:10 +0000

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