MBARARA. Police in Mbarara on Sunday night tried to block former - TopicsExpress


MBARARA. Police in Mbarara on Sunday night tried to block former prime minister Amama Mbabazi from speaking at a function organised to award best radio presenters from western region at Kakyeka Stadium. The function dubbed “Western Media Awards” was organised by Western Media Awards International, a private company, in partnership with proprietors of radio stations from 23 districts in western region. Mr Mbabazi, the NRM secretary general (but currently on leave) is MP for Kinkizi West and the proprietor of Kinkizi FM in Kanungu District. After singer Bebe Cool had thrilled the audience at around 1am, King Rally, the master of ceremony, invited Mr Mbabazi on the stage to speak and preside over the giving of awards to the surprise of revellers, guests and security officials. Immediately, Mbarara District police commander Dickens Bindeeba got to the podium to block him from speaking. The DPC ordered that the public address system be put off. “I have told you to shut the machines,” said Mr Bindeeba. “Who are you to tell me to put off the machines,” retorted King Rally. For about 10 minutes, Mr Bindeeba and Mr Mbabazi who was already on the podium were engaged in verbal exchange. The revelers yelled relentlessly at the DPC, throwing around bottles and tins. “Let him talk, let him talk…” they shouted. It took the intervention of the Rwizi Regional Police Commander, Mr Hillary Kulayigye, who talked to Mr Bindeeba to leave Mr Mbabazi. Mr Mbabazi said: “First I am here as a Ugandan, secondly I am the Secretary General NRM and I have come to represent my radio Kinkizi FM, as the Director.” Mr Bindeeba said on Monday, “For us we did not block him, but we wanted to know his programme and give him security. “He explained to us that he is at this function as the proprietor of Kinkizi FM radio which falls under Western Media Association. We understood what he had come for and he went ahead to preside over the function.” Award winners Male Voice of Radio: Mark Itongoro-UBC West Female Voice of Radio: Polyne Karungi-Voice of Toro Male face of TV: Juluis Bitsinstino-TV West Female Face of TV: Innocent Nabaasa-UBC Best Sports Presenter: Dung Mike-Vision Radio Best Gosepel Show host: Ms Agatha Kafooko-Vision Radio [email protected]
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:58:13 +0000

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