MBCS PROPAGANDA ON IFMIS GO HEYWARE, LISTENERS BLAME CASH-GATE ON PP AND JB There was drama on the national broadcaster the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) when junior reporters assigned to burn their fingers but got their act wrong. If was an embarrassing encounter when the two reporters, Ronald Amos and Blessings Kanache presenting On the Agenda program failed to control things on air. The live programme was aired between 17:00 to 18:00hrs. According to some workers at MBC, the two, Amos and Kachache are in the ruling PP propaganda team at the national broadcaster. They were therefore instructed by the Director of News Wellingtone Kuntaja to do a program on the cashgate scandal. According to the instruction, the presenters were to present problems at Capitl Hill as a DPP baby. In the process, the anchors described IFMIS as a system that was systematically designed by the DPP. They even described IFMIS as a gadget used for stealing government money. However, an alert listener did lecture the two anchors on what IFMIS is all about. Things did not end there as the two MBC were bombarded with calls from listeners who heaped the entire blame on President Joyce Banda and her administration. Amos and Kanache could not believe what was live on air. Callers swarmed them and the two were put in their rightful holes. Following this embarrassment and humiliation of these PP propagandists at MBC, the Chief of PP propaganda at MBC Kuntaja was reported infuriated and summoned the two to his office after the programme. President Joyce Banda who is heavily involved in the Capital Hill Cash-Gate scandal has been trying to divert peoples attention and push her mess to someone else using propaganda programmes on MBC but this has not worked.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 21:24:30 +0000

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