MCM is for all the guys who put up with us girls stuff lol, You - TopicsExpress


MCM is for all the guys who put up with us girls stuff lol, You all are amazing, talented and got your head on your shoulders and you are so mature and respectful to your girls that bug ya or drive ya crazy sometimes and you all show so much love and so much care for your ladies, sometimes you all dont know how to open up or talk about your feelings but you know what dont ever be afraid to give your opinions or things that are bothering you bc if the person cares they are not going to go anywhere they will work that shit out and fix whatever needs to be fixed, Dont let people bring you down or try to make ya miserable, just put a smile on your faces and be the better person, you guys are just so unique and caring that its crazy and it means alot to someone especially if its the girl that you care about the most, always be honest, blunt, faithful, loyal and you guys always show your girls that they are the one for you, all of you are hardworking and always puts other peoples happiness before your own, help you all are great dads and just amazing all around, some of the guys that liked my status that I dont know your still a friend in my eyes and always there if I need to vent or talk about things...All of you are always there and have everybodys back....Always re member stay sweet and loving as you all are......All of you are smart, strong, caring amazing guys and deserve the best because you all are worth it, and dont ever let anyone tell you different you guys deserve alot more with everything you guys have been thru in your lives but it makes you that much stronger today....Dont ever forget who you are or forget about that people that love and care about you and always respect and treat other people the same as you want to be treated......Keep them heads up and keep your girls happy bc they are once in a lifetime and they are the ones that are the keepers......Remember your somebodys special star and you bright up their lives.....I hope you all have a wonderful night andstay sweet and loving keep up the good work and bein the best you can be and dont ever give up on anything and also remeber you guys deserve alot :) Always remember I am here if you guys ever need to talk or need to vent, Thank you all for pushing me forwards and keeping me on my toes with out you guys Id probably go nuts bc you guys keep me entertained each and everyday more of a reason that you all are amazing and you always will be!!!! Chaderak Tattooing Chad FuriousAngel Tetzlaff Paul Vinnedge Bryon Scott Adam Overmyer Michael Wettergren Wally McQuade Larry Omundsen Shawn Powell Carlos Estrada Ian Hall Brandon Craft Daniel Miltenberger Jeremy Thompson Jeremy Roberts Richie Mead
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:55:08 +0000

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