MCQs-Physics Paper II Science-Xii 1-Helium nucleus also - TopicsExpress


MCQs-Physics Paper II Science-Xii 1-Helium nucleus also called 1-photon 2-alpha particle 3- beta particle 4- gama particle 2-The unit of specific heat is: 1-J Kg-1C-1 2- JKg C-1 3- JKgC 4- JKg-1C 3-The quantity of heat required to raise temperature of 1 gram of a substance to one degree centigrade is: 1-specific heat 2-latent heat 3-calories 4-joules 4-The capacitors of same capacitance are connected in different possible combination. The maximum capacitance will be obtained when 1-They are connected in series 2-They are connected parallel 3-One is connected in series with parallel combination of other two 4-series combination of two is connected in parallel with third one 5-If 4 ohm and 2 ohm resistances are connected in parallel, the equivalant resistance is: 1-0.75 ohm 2- 6 ohm 3- 2 ohm 4-1.33 ohm 6-A torch bulb has a power of 9 watts and operates with 3 volts dry cell. The bulb has a resistance of: 1- 1 ohm 2-3 ohm 3-27 ohm 4-9 ohm 7-In practice, the source of emf always have: 1- zero resistance 2-unit resistance 3-some resistance 4-infinite resistance 8-Two parallel wires carrying current in the oposit direction: 1-do not affect each other 2-attract each other 3-repel each other 4-cut each other 9-The e.m.f induced in a coil is independent of: 1-change of flux 2-number of turns 3-time 4-resistance 10-The unit of inductance 1-Tesla 2-Henry 3-Watt 4-Weber 11-The device for measurement of most accurate potential difference is: 1-Potentiometer 2-Voltmeter 3-Galvanometer 4-Ammeter 12-A single device containing ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter is called 1-VTVM 2-CRO 3-AVO meter 4-Potentiometer 13- A frame of reference is called inertial if it is: 1-rotary 2-accelerated 3-vibratory 4-moving with uniform velocity 14- Production of X-rays can be regarded as the inverse of 1-Compton effect 2- pair production 3-photoelectric effect 4-annihilation of matter. 15-The half life of radium is 1600 years. After 6400 years, the sample of surviving radium would be its: 1- 1/4 2-1/8 3- 1/16 4-1/2
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 09:58:23 +0000

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