MDC IS NOT THE MESSIAH Most people do not believe the MDC - TopicsExpress


MDC IS NOT THE MESSIAH Most people do not believe the MDC leadership should be fingered in the party’s 2013 election loss. They have been quick to label anyone who has dared to suggest culpability of the MDC leadership as unprincipled sell outs or ingrates who were all the while in hiding while only the MDC leadership, alone, fought bloody selfless battles for the same people’s independence from Zanu PF. They even have the cheek to blame the people for the loss accusing them of apathy, and as such architects of Zanu PF victory! Such is the arrogance and disdain pervading the democratic movement that it has lost the decency to locate fault within – even for clearly inherent mistakes. What they accuse Zanu PF, they are now perfecting. MDC die-hards need to wake up to the fact that the bulk of their supporters are a product of a protest awakening to Zanu PF insensitivities. Zimbabweans, desperate, moved to MDC in search of a caring and deliverance, which would distinguish itself in the unfair conditions prevailing. Not a leadership that masters the art of crying citing unfair electoral conditions in Zimbabwe! The MDC knew on day one that the jungle had Zanu PF and what that meant. Yet it would appear they carried lipstick and tears in their hunt pack. What the MDC is doing seems to be miles away from that ideal world which both a regime of ZANU PF or the popular MDC are both miles away in realising a society I dream of. Many societies which benefited from the wind of change in the sixties have already failed to cut the umbilical cords of repression that connects them to their former masters both economically and socially. Democracy purpoted might even be a guise of deep envy of the lives autocrats live. MDC leaders just introduce follow-fashion-look at yourself societies that emulate the system they replace. This thing called eats at the core of my heart or soul like a cancer. Many activists and opposition leaders academics are both irredeemable victims of repression whether consciously or unconsciously. They don’t realise how entrenched the problem is in their makeup like DNA. They achieve what they call independence ( from what?) and change flags and national anthems but fail to establish new home-grown societies based on their cultures, values and norms. Many erroneously think it is getting independence that is the most difficult stage in the freedom attaining process. I feel to the contrary that what is difficult is establishing a nation that is compatible with modernity I know a number of my MDC intellectual friends who reject everything ZANU PF in favour of everything MDC. These idiots need psychoanalysing by God himself since this is an extreme manifestation of self-hatred highly masked as party pride. Though I abhor most ZANU PF things , I am equally nauseated by most things within the MDC. That’s why even now as I strive to establish myself as a Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwean Dream, I don’t want the title to go with the anti-ZANU PF rhetoric. Knowing how condescending most people are, you will quickly find a word to define me. Strange, bizarre, eccentric, bohemian, unconventional, odd or even radical. .
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:12:21 +0000

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