ME: They are the most expensive FIRST FAMILY in the presidency - TopicsExpress


ME: They are the most expensive FIRST FAMILY in the presidency taking expensive vacations with family and friends overseas and domestically with lots of golf vacations. REMEMBER THE 100 MILLION DOLLAR VACATION IN AFRICA WHILE THE COUNTRY WAS IN RECESSION? Every winter, Obama vacations in Hawaii and his family has gone to many exotic vacations in the Bahamas at the Atlantis resort and Europe. In contrast, Bush took his vacations either at his ranch or at Camp David which was working vacations because he still continued his responsibilities and had daily security briefing though away from the White House. BUT THERE WERE NO LAVISH VACATIONS FOR THE BUSHES UNLIKE THE OBAMAS. And yet, Obama talked about income inequality and whatever deception that sounds good and pulls the heartstrings to keep people on his side. IN THE MANY CRISES THAT UNFOLDED UNDER OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, HE WAS OUT PLAYING GOLF INSTEAD OF TAKING LEADERSHIP. This happened when our embassy in Egypt was on fire, our embassy in Benghazi was under attack and only left the golf course when the death of the US Ambassador reached him, he was golfing in Key Largo while Ukraine crisis was at its height and recently, after he made a speech about the turmoil in Iraq, he left for California to do fund raising and play golf in Palm Springs. But when President Barack Obama vacations in Hawaii, sets up a fantasy golf vacation for himself with Butch Harmon and Tiger Woods, averages more than a vacation a month in 2013 while purporting to be a man of the people and demanding the rich pay their fair share, and playing sequester politics by shutting down White House tours, the mainstream media is silent. The Post, in 2005, conceded that Bushs vacations--unlike Obamas--were not lavish and he did not make time for fun. Bush rarely takes the type of vacation one would consider exotic -- or, to some, even appealing, the Post wrote. His notion of relaxation is chopping cedar on his ranch or mountain biking through rough terrain, all in 100-degree-plus temperatures in dusty Texas where crickets are known to roast on the summer pavement. The Obamas have gone to Marthas Vineyard multiple times while the country was in recession and Americans were struggling to find jobs. Michelle Obama has taken a whirlwind trip to Spain and a ski trip to Aspen. Obama took 13 vacations in his first term, which spanned all or part of 83 days. But they have been much more lavish than Bushs. His annual vacations to Hawaii alone have cost taxpayers at least $20 million during his first term. In 2011 alone, Michelle Obama may have cost taxpayers $10 million on vacations herself. Obamas fantasy golf outing this year cost local law enforcement in Florida a reported $78, 205. Bush was content to work from home during his vacations. And for doing so, the mainstream media tagged him as lazy and disinterested. The Obamas gallivant around, making plenty of time for fun, and the mainstream media does not call them out for wasting taxpayer dollars or even for the terrible optics. breitbart/Big-Journalism/2013/03/26/Obamas-Vacation-More-Lavishly-than-Bushes
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 19:43:52 +0000

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