MEANING OF GAURA!! When Radha’s love is relished by Radha, - TopicsExpress


MEANING OF GAURA!! When Radha’s love is relished by Radha, very very few, even of Radha’s associates can understand Radha’s mind. Like Gauranga Mahaprabhu, when He danced in Puri and He was singing that verse with Sithire and very few among His associates could understand. Rupa Goswami understood it. He wrote on a leaf another verse similar to the verse which the Lord was reciting. So it’s very difficult to understand Radharani’s mind, it’s inconceivable. But when Krishna accepts the bhava of Radha and He starts relishing what Radha is relishing , Radha’s bhava, then all Radha’s emotions, Her divine sentiments they come out in the open. They are more easily accessible. So when we say “Gaura” ...”Gau-ra”...”Gaura”. Gaura means actually Krishna who is relishing that Radha bhava and distributing it also. Relishing and distributing, both are there in Gaura. Krishna is only relishing. “Krish tu bhua chakshu mrinastu nivritti vacuh.” All-attractive. Krish means our relationship is there in the syllable Krish. Relationship of the jiva with Krishna is there, Krish. He attracts every soul because of the relationship, our eternal relationship in the soul. So Krish-ana... “ana.” One confidential meaning of “ana” is Krish-ana...ana means He attracts us based on our eternal relationship with Him. “Ana” means He gives us an opportunity to do seva in that, become situated in that relationship and give us eternal happiness in our Swarupa. That is the meaning of “ana”. The normal meaning of “ana” is mukti or moksha (gives us liberation). But the real Rasika meaning of “ana” is to give us that happiness in our swarupa. Krishna. (Speaks in Bengali) Krish shob jibera sambanda akarshan kore, Krish-ana. Aar ana jivera Swarupa anusmara ananda dibe, ana. Krishna. Translation- The syllable Krish attracts all the jivas, Krishna, and ana gives them happiness according to the eternal swarupa they are situated in. And Gaura, “Gaura”... “Gaura”’s an Audarya naam. Its full of Audarya, more merciful, more munificent. Gauuraa, how Radha’s bhava they transform Krishna. Gau-ra, “Gau’ means Govinda, “Ra” means Radha so how Radha’s bhava are transforming Krishna and how they’re manifesting, how He’s relishing. If we did not have this Gaura, His name, then we would’ve never understood the mind of Gauranga Mahaprabhu. If we have never understood the mind of Gauranga Mahaprabhu ,we would’ve never understood Radharani. (Speaks in Bengali) Gaura shobdete Krishnera mon jana jai. Radha’r bhavete Krishna’r jei mon ache. Radha’r bhava aswadaan korite Gaura shobdte jana jai. Aar je Mahaprabhura mon janibe, to Radha’r bhava janibe. Translation- Through the name of “Gaura” we can understand the mind of Krishna who is immersed in Radha’s bhava. He is relishing Radha’s bhava. We can understand all this only by taking shelter of Gaura’s name. One, who will understand Mahaprabhu’s mind, will also automatically understand Radha’s bhava. So thank you very much. 1186 MEANING OF KRISHNA AND GAURA Lecture by His Holiness Bhaktiratna Sadhu Swami Gaurangapada
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 03:19:49 +0000

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