MEANING OF REMEMBER AND FORGET. The same term to forget means - TopicsExpress


MEANING OF REMEMBER AND FORGET. The same term to forget means that PREVIOUSLY IN THE PAST I HAVE HAD SOME CONNECTION OR RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMETHING OR SOMEONE,WITH KRSNA. This is the meaning contained within the term “forget”. Any opposite notion comes from a MAYAVADA TENDENCY To forget Krsna,to forget a good friend,to forget someone in my life,means that first I have had a real relationship with that person and then after I remember or I forget THE TERM TO FORGET KRSNA MEANS THAT MY ORIGINAL CONDITION WAS REMEMBERING KRSNA,KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS. MY ORIGINAL CONDITION WAS TO BE WITH KRSNA. FIRST ONE THINKS ABOUT KRISNA,REMEMBERS KRSNA,NEXT ONE FORGETS KRSNA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter to Mukunda New Vrindaban 10 June, 1969 -When one FORGETS Krishna he is conditioned, -when one REMEMBERS Krishna he is liberated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOD 22: Qualities of Krsna Further Explained -WELL-WISHER OF HIS DEVOTEES: *Bhīṣma was REMEMBERING HOW KRSNA HAD BEEN KIND TO HIM ON THE BATTLEFIELD. -Grandfather Bhīṣma REMEMBERED THIS SCENE, and He later praised Kṛṣṇa for His glorious favoritism towards His devotee, Arjuna, even at the risk of breaking His own promise. . CONTROLLED BY LOVE: Sudāmā Vipra had been a class friend of Kṛṣṇas, REMEMBERING HIS LOVING AFFAIRS WITH SUDAMA IN THEIR CHILDHOOD, Kṛṣṇa began to shed tears while receiving him. . ALL AUSPICIOUS: .After the disappearance of Lord Kṛṣṇa from this planet, Uddhava began TO REMEMBER THE ACTIVITIES OF THE LORD and said, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: According with this statement there ONLY TWO STATES IN EXISTENCE and no more. Either - ONE REMEMBERS KRSNA.LIBERATED,or - ONE FORGETS KRSNA,CONDITIONED. There is not a third state in the existence. ONE FORGETS KRSNA,CONDITIONED,means that first you were in a position of to remember,liberated,first we know Krsna. YOU CANNOT FORGET SOMETHING THAT WAS NEVER IN YOUR MEMORY,IN YOUR REAL EXPERIENCE,IN YOUR REAL LIFE. FORGET means TO CEASE TO REMEMBER,to fail to recall(someone or something ONCE KNOWN); be unable to remember,NOT REMEMBER. .(dictionary meaning). THEN FIRST IS REMEMBER ,AFTER IS CEASE TO REMEMBER(FORGET),NOT REMEMBER. “If you forget something, or forget about something, YOU STOP THINKING ABOUT IT”.(dictionary meaning). Then to forget Krishna,to stop thinking about Krsna, means that we were thinking about Krishna first.after we stop thinking about Krsna.Before we forget Krisna we were thinking about Krsna,we were Krisna conscious. TO FORGET MEANS TO LOSE MEMORY ABOUT SOMETHING REAL WITHIN YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Memory means the mental faculty of retaining and recalling PAST EXPERIENCE.(dictionary) EXPERIENCE MEANS REAL EXPERIENCE. First ONE REMEMBERS is LIBERATED. Later there is a change of condition ONE FORGETS Krsna. Later on by the process of Krishna consciousness we may recover back our previous original memory of Krishna. By the process of Krsna consciousness we can go back, regain our original, initial state, ONE AGAIN REMEMBERS KRSNA. That is the reverse process by which we change again from our present state of forgetfulness back to our original state of remembering,we recover our original memory once again, our original natural memories. FORGET MEANS MEMORY LOSS ABOUT SOMETHING OR SOMEONE WAS WITHIN YOUR PERSONAL REAL EXPERIENCE BEFORE. TO FORGET MEANS SOMETHING TRUE IN YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE,means you do not remember ,stop remembering, be unable to remember fail to remember, not remember, to cease to remember, to fail to recall(someone or something once known),be unable to recall, not recollect, let slip from the memory, fail to bring to mind, to cease to remember, Ex:She forgot where she left the car. to forget a name. Ex:Tim forgot about his problems for a few hours. If you have forgotten SOMETHING THAT YOU KNEW, you can no longer remember it. Ex:I have forgotten where it is. Then first is the existence of that memory,or to remember. First we are Krsna conscious,after we forget Krsna,NON Krsna conscious. Forget means to loss the memory. TO LOSS MEMORY means YOU GET LOST YOUR ABILITY TO THINK OF SOMETHING THAT WAS WITHIN YOUR REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE IN A NEAR OR REMOTE PAST. TO FORGET means a previous real experience with something or someone. Remember and Memory means (Dictionary meaning): -the mental faculty of retaining and recalling PAST EXPERIENCE, -the ability of the mind to store and recall PAST SENSATIONS,THOUGHTS, KNOWLEDGE,ETC -the sum of everything retained by the mind -a particular recollection of AN EVENT,PERSON,ETC. -the mental capacity or faculty of retaining or recalling FACTS,EVENTS, IMPRESSIONS,OR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES.REMEMBRANCE: to draw from memory. -a mental impression retained; a recollection: an early memory. When there is an impression in your memory,that impression,that memory means that you can remember. Memory and remembering is the same. Memory,to remember,means a impression from the past, a near or remote past. Impression,print,engraved,means a real experience or relationship ocurred in the past. YOU CANNOT FORGET SOMETHING OR SOMEONE WITH WHAT,OR WITH WHOM,YOU HAVE NOT HAD ANY PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. The same term to forget means that PREVIOUSLY IN THE PAST I HAVE HAD SOME CONNECTION OR RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMETHING OR SOMEONE: 1.*Bhīṣma was REMEMBERING HOW KRSNA HAD BEEN KIND TO HIM ON THE BATTLEFIELD. -Grandfather Bhīṣma REMEMBERED THIS SCENE, 2.“REMEMBERING HIS LOVING AFFAIRS WITH SUDAMA IN THEIR CHILDHOOD,” 3..After the disappearance of Lord Kṛṣṇa from this planet, Uddhava began TO REMEMBER THE ACTIVITIES OF THE LORD and said, TO FORGET is synonim of A REAL RELATIONSHIP ON THE PAST WITH SOMEONE. To forget means that first you know and then,later,after, you lose the remembering, the memory of that. That is normal and basic psycology,how work the memory,the remembering and the forgetfulness. Remember and forget are two sides of a same reality TO KNOW. To remember is first and then occurs to forget. Definition of “remember”: - to have or keep an image or idea in your mind of (something or someone from the past) : -to think of (something or someone from the past) again -to cause (something) to come back into your mind -to keep (information) in your mind : to not forget (something) When you have a real,practical,experience then you know, there is an impression, printing, and after this comes to remember and to forget. To forget Krsna,to forget a good friend,to forget someone in my life,means that first I have had a real relationship with that person and then after I remember or I forget If I did not have a previous real relationship with a person then have no sense to speak about to remember or to forget about someone whom I never met,with whom I never had a relationship,of whom I know nothing,not even whether exists or not exists. My memory is empty about that person,without no impressions,blank paper. To know and NOT to know are opposite,totally different. First I know,then I remember or I forget. First I know Krsna,Krsna conscious,then I remember Krsna or I forget Krsna. The same principle that occurs with any other person. Krsna is a person,the more wonderful person but He is a person,like any other person,but the complete perfect attractive person. But a person. Any opposite notion comes from a MAYAVADA TENDENCY in the heart,trying to deny even the natural psychological variety in existence, which exists even in Krsna Himself as we can see in many places like the examples in Nectar of Devotion exposed at the beginning.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 14:47:07 +0000

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