MEANING OF : WE ARE NOT FALLEN-SB 2.9.1-Tokyo, April 20, - TopicsExpress


MEANING OF : WE ARE NOT FALLEN-SB 2.9.1-Tokyo, April 20, 1972. CONCLUSION: Just we think we are matter, that we are this body, “WE ARE THINKING FALLEN”, but thats not true, “ACTUALLY WE ARE NOT FALLEN”, we have not lost our spiritual nature, we remain, we continue to be,we are still spiritual souls different from the body. ----------------------------------- DEVELOPMENT OF ARGUMENT: In a lecture, SB 2.9.1-Tokyo, April 20, 1972,Srila Prabhupada says many times: “ACTUALLY WE ARE NOT FALLEN.” “OUR FALLEN CONDITION IS ALSO DREAMING.”, “WE ARE NOT FALLEN.WE ARE THINKING FALLEN.” But countless times it is also said that : WE ARE FALLEN. Apparently it is a contradiction.? There is some esoteric mystery behind these claims.? First and most essential thing is we should always keep in mind, always remember, the meaning of the term fallen, fall down. Fallen,fall-down means a movement,a change of position, to go FROM a original,previous,higher,superior,better position TO a new,different, lower,inferior,worse position. This is the essence of a fall, an object moves from a higher position to a lower position. The fall needs, involves TWO POSITIONS, one higher and another lower: 1. The original higher position FROM where something goes down.”THE NON-FALLEN CONDITION.” 2. the new lowest position to which an object falls,where it falls.”THE FALLEN CONDITION” Srila Prabhupada, Letter to: Revatinandana - Los Angeles 13 June, 1970 1-THE NON-FALLEN CONDITION. 2-THE FALLEN CONDITION When fall takes place, it means falling down from the non-fallen condition. According to the definition or meaning of the term “fallen”,”fall-down” , this can be applied to countless different aspects of any entity or object. This should be applied to a particular aspect of an entity. So that of the same entity or object can be said TO HAVE FALLEN in one aspect, but HAS NOT FALLEN in another aspect. THE use of the term “fall” does not mean that something or someone has fallen in all its aspects, in everything. For example the health of my heart has fallen but the health of other organs have not fallen, my good mood has not fallen,or has not fallen my economy. Therefore the use of the term “fall” requires specifying in what sense this term is used,on which aspect of a reality or entity there is such fall. What has fallen ?. In which aspect has fallen an entity?. Now what is the meaning of the term fallen chosen by Srila Prabhupada in this lecture? At what aspect of the living entity refers to in his lecture, SB 2.9.1-Tokyo, April 20, 1972, when he uses the term fallen?. Srila Prabhupada himself determines the aspect or in what sense he use the term “fallen”at the very beginning of this lecture. LECTURE: “But similarly, “The living entity,because he is SPIRITUAL SPARK OF THE SUPREME, it has NOT FALLEN.It has NO FALLEN.” BUT HE IS THINKING, I am FALLEN-I am MATERIAL”. That is the reason. HE IS THINKING,”I AM THIS BODY.” -SIMPLY THINKING. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: “The living entity,because he is SPIRITUAL SPARK OF THE SUPREME, it has NOT FALLEN. It has NO FALLEN.” BUT HE IS THINKING, “I am FALLEN-I am MATERIAL-I am THIS BODY.” In this lecture FALLEN means I am MATERIAL-I am THIS BODY. Fallen = I am material = I am this body. This would be the new-second position, the fallen condition. If this is the fallen position, then from where I have fallen ?, What is the original non-fallen position from which I fall ?. “The living entity is SPIRITUAL spark of the Supreme.”(Srila Prabhupada first says) The original NON fallen condition is : I am SPIRITUAL spark of the Supreme. NON Fallen = I am NOT material = I am NOT this body.I am spiritual. So here “fallen” means moving FROM being spiritual at to become material,losing its spiritual nature and becoming material, becoming this material body. But what Srila Prabhupada says about this possibility, this theoretical fall?. “The living entity,(because he is SPIRITUAL SPARK OF THE SUPREME), it has NOT FALLEN. It has NO FALLEN.” BUT HE IS THINKING,“I am FALLEN-I am MATERIAL-I am THIS BODY.” -“ACTUALLY HE HAS NOT FALLEN. .”,= He has not changed his spiritual nature to become material.(Note) -“WE ARE NOT FALLEN. -“WE ARE THINKING FALLEN.”(In this lecture) = Just we think we are matter, that we are this body, but thats not true, we are not fallen, we have not lost our spiritual nature, we remain, we continue to be,we are still spiritual souls different from the body. Even we are within a material body in this material world but still we keep intact our nature of spiritual entities , our constitutional spiritual position. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -“ACTUALLY THE BODY HAS NO CONNECTION WITH ME.”(In this lecture) The spirit soul is distinct from the material conception of his life. .”(SB 2.9.1-Verse of the lecture) -But he is absorbed in such a material conception because of being influenced by the external energy of the Lord, called atma-maya.”(SB 2.9.1-Verse of the lecture) In this lecture: “-He is thinking by the influence of the external energy.” “Just like the same example: A man is DREAMING; there is NO CONTACT WITH tiger. Actually he has no contact with that. “ “Similarly,ACTUALLY WE ARE NOT FALLEN.WE CANNOT BE FALLEN. ACTUALLY WE ARE NOT FALLEN.” -“WE ARE THINKING FALLEN. BUT HE IS THINKING,I am FALLEN-I am MATERIAL”. “That is the reason. HE IS THINKING,I AM THIS BODY.” -------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Under the influence of the illusory energy the living entity thinks I am matter,I am this body.I am fallen. -“WE ARE THINKING FALLEN.” But this is false, “ACTUALLY WE ARE NOT FALLEN”,WE ARE SPIRITUAL,WE ARE NOT THIS BODY. This suggestion,we are thinking, that we are the body is a false identity as often happens in a dream where we create false identities and forget our true identity. THEREFORE IN THIS SENSE “WE ARE NOT FALLEN”. I have not lost my spiritual nature to become material. We have not become material,we have not become this material body,we continue to be eternally spiritual souls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUT WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS ESSENTIAL TRUTH?. Srila Prabhupada says in this lecture: So this situation, OUR CONTACT WITH MATTER, is just like dream. ACTUALLY WE ARE NOT FALLEN. Therefore, BECAUSE WE ARE NOT FALLEN, AT ANY MOMENT WE CAN REVIVE OUR KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS. As soon as we understand that, I have nothing to do with. I AM SIMPLY KRSNA´S SERVANT.ETERNAL SERVANT.THAT´S ALL. IMMEDIATELY HE BECOMES LIBERATED. Exactly like that: as soon as you... Sometimes we do that. WHEN THE FEARFUL DREAMING BECOMES TOO MUCH INTOLERABLE, WE BREAK THE DREAM. We break the dream when it becomes intolerable. Similarly, WE CAN BREAK THIS MATERIAL CONNECTION AT ANY MOMENT AS SOON AS WE COME TO THE POINT OF KRSNA CONSCIOUS. Oh, KRSNA IS MY ETERNAL MASTER. I AM HIS SERVANT.” Thats all. This is the way. ACTUALLY WE ARE NOT FALLEN. THERE CANNOT BE ANY FALLEN. The same example: Actually there is no tiger; it is dreaming. Similarly, OUR FALLEN CONDITION IS ALSO DREAMING. WE ARE NOT FALLEN. WE CAN SIMPLY GIVE UP THAT ILLUSORY CONDITION AT ANY MOMENT. AT ANY MOMENT. So if you study all these verses very nicely, you get all this knowledge quickly. Krsna says, mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te: [Bg. 7.14] AS SOON AS ONE SURRENDERS UNTO ME, HE HAS NO MORE ILLUSION.” Mayam etam taranti. Immediately. So people are conditioned, encaged. So many big, big words the Mayavadis, they are undergoing austerities or penances just to become liberated. Yogis, they are also trying to become one. So many endeavors are going on. But the simple process is, as soon as you surrender, that you are not fallen, It was illusion. I was dreaming. I am Krsnas, finished. All gone. I am Krsnas. I am Krsnas eternal servant. These are all nonsense – - he immediately becomes liberated. Just try to understand. Immediately, within a second. Liberation can be attained within a second, provided we abide by the order of Krsna. Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66]. This is the position. We are not fallen. We are thinking fallen. So we have to give up this nonsense thinking. Then we are liberated. There is no Is there any difficulty to understand? Just see how important this verse. It is already there, but you are not reading. Each verse, read every day carefully. Try to assimilate, understand, and you will get more profit, every day, hundred yards forward, hundred yards forward, yes. They are so important verses. How nicely composed by Vyasadeva. In two lines the whole thing is explained. This is called sastra. In two lines. Then read the purport. -------------------------------------------------------- SB 2.9.1 -THE SPIRIT SOUL IS DISTINCT FROM THE MATERIAL CONCEPTION OF HIS LIFE, -BUT HE IS ABSORBED IN SUCH A MATERIAL CONCEPTION -BECAUSE OF BEING INFLUENCED BY THE EXTERNAL ENERGY OF THE LORD,called ātma-māyā. THE LIVING ENTITY .FORGET HID FACTUAL LIFE AND .THUS DREAM OF THE LAND OF UTOPIA WHERE HE MAY BECOME ONE LIKE THE LORD. THE LIVING ENTITY IN HIS MATERIAL CONDITION IS DREAMING FALSELY that THIS IS “MINE” AND THIS IS “I”. THE DREAM is that THE CONDITIONED SOUL .THINKS OF HIS MATERIAL BODY AS “I” OR -FALSELY THINKS THAT .HE IS THE LORD and that .EVERYTHING IN CONNECTION WITH THAT MATERIAL BODY IS “MINE”. Thus ONLY IN DREAM DOES THE MISCONCEPTION OF “I” AND “MINE” PERSIST LIFE AFTER LIFE. THIS CONTINUES LIFE AFTER LIFE, AS LONG AS THE LIVING ENTITY IS NOT PURELY CONSCIOUS OF HIS IDENTITY AS THE SUBORDINATE PART AND PARCEL OF THE LORD. --------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:05:54 +0000

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