MEDAL OF VALOR ( THE HERO OF CARMEN COTABATO ) CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero a memeber of PMA Hinirang Class of 1987 who is also called by His fellow Scout Rangers as BAKAL was the Commanding Officer of the 6th Scout Ranger Company, First Scout Ranger Regiment, Philippine Army in Carmen, North Cotabato at the vicinity of Barangay Sinepetan during the full attack of more or less 400 Moro Islamic Liberation Front rebels. Despite of the extremely huge number and firepower of the MILF Rebels and with His few elite men CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero did not wait for the Reinforcement and disobeyed the order to stand down instead he decided to assault and attack first the 400 Rebels in a face to face battle while they were still approaching the Town bringing with him his only 14 Scout Rangers thinking that this decision will save the whole town of Carmen, North Cotabato if the encounter will not reach to the Town and for the protection of the lives of the civilians living in the said town. Its a risky and is still until today was considered as the most suicidal mission ever did by an elite unit in the AFP. CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero and His 14 Scout Rangers engaged and assaulted the 400 Rebels and fought 9 straight hours until the next morning without backing down and became the blocking force for the safety of the whole Town of Carmen. When the Team of Rangers runs out of bullets and grenades. CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero noticed that the main reason of the casualties of His Team and the last line of defense of the enemies was their 50 Cal. Machine Gun and their mortars. CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero did the unthinkable He decided to maneuvered alone and crawled the ground in the front direct to the enemys Machine Gunner using the cover of darkness. CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero bravely killed the Machine Gunner of the enemies and snatched the Machine Gun right in the position of the enemies. He used the recovered Machine Gun to eliminate the remaining Gunners, Snipers, and Mortar operators of the enemies and as a covering fire for his wounded and pinned down Team on the ground. CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero killed 29 Rebels serving as a lone Machine Gunner right in the enemys position including the MILF Rebel Commander Mangyan that disorganized the Rebels Attack and forced them to run in withdrawal. While CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero was ministering to His wounded men and while firing to the running Rebels to cover His men and while ordering instructions to them to seek cover in a safe position. CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero was shot and hit by an enemy Sniper in the head causing Him to die instantly.. No civilians was hurt that day due to the bravery and heroism of CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero. CAPT. Robert Edward M. Lucero was awarded the MEDAL OF VALOR by the President of the Republic the highest award for bravery in the AFP and for giving his life in protecting the whole town of Carmen and for beating the 400 Rebels including their Commander Mangyan against His 14 Rangers in a 9 hours firefight without any help and reinforcements. ITS NOT THE NUMBER OF THE DEAD SOLDIERS OR DEAD REBELS THAT MATTERS THAT DAY THE MOST. ITS THE LIFE OF A CAPT. LUCERO WHO SAVED THE WHOLE TOWN OF CARMEN BY SACRIFICING THE ONLY LIFE HE HAD. REST IN ETERNAL PEACE HERO! WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU CAPT. BAKAL LUCERO!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:47:02 +0000

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