MEDIA RELEASE 3rd September: Residents Respond to Hazelwood - TopicsExpress


MEDIA RELEASE 3rd September: Residents Respond to Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry’s Report 3rd September Latrobe Valley community group, Voices of the Valley has reacted with mixed feelings, after the public release of the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry report. Mrs Wendy Farmer, Voices of the Valley President: “The recommendations are disappointing regarding mine remediation. Clearly the disused parts of the mine where there are uncovered coal faces need to be properly rehabilitated to ensure that these areas don’t pose an ongoing fire risk to the community. We want to see a clear timeline and goals for this process, and believe that it should be commenced as soon as possible.” “The government clearly failed in its duty of care to the community through lack of oversight and regulation of the mine. Moving forward, we need to know precisely what is being done to ensure that this disaster can never happen again.” “The inquiry acknowledged that there were “extensive short-term health impacts” suffered by local residents as a result of the fire. We know that many people have suffered ongoing health issues. There is a failure to recommend that these impacts be measured, quantified, treated or otherwise addressed in any way, other than through the long-term health study.” “The inquiry also acknowledged that “many people and local businesses have experienced financial impacts for a range of reasons including downturn in business, medical costs, veterinary costs, time taken off work, relocation from homes, cleaning homes and businesses and possible decrease in property values.”” “The cost estimate for the fire is in excess of $100 million, which was borne by the local community, by the government, and by GDF Suez. It’s obvious that this was an entirely preventable disaster, that resulted from negligence on the behalf of GDF Suez and the government. It’s pathetic that the only way these costs will be recovered by residents is through legal action. Almost 6 months later, there are many unresolved issues including the clean up of ash and dust from people’s homes and businesses.” “The report also states that the Chief Health Officer, Rosemary Lester, failed to provide the timely advice to residents to relocate, despite having sufficient evidence to warrant this advice shortly after 16th February. Residents were exposed to extreme levels of fine particulate (PM2.5) pollution during the 10 days before this advice was eventually given. Rosemary Lester no longer has the confidence of the Latrobe Valley community, and should resign as Chief Health Officer.” “The $15 million rehabilitation bond is also an ongoing concern for the community, and obviously needs to be substantial increased to ensure that GDF fulfil their obligations to rehabilitate the mine and return the area to community use. It’s currently a $15 million dollar bond, and the rehabilitation of the mine has been estimated as up to a $500 million project. “ “We fully support the Inquiry’s proposals for a Health Conservation Zone to significantly improve the health of the Latrobe Valley community. We also support the proposal for a Health Advocate to be appointed to provide a voice for the community on health concerns.” We demand a clear commitment from the state government and the Opposition to implement the recommendations of the inquiry, and address the other ongoing concerns of the community. Questions for GDF Suez, the Victorian government and opposition: Will GDF commit to implement the 6 recommendations of the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry? When will they release their timeline for implementing these recommendations? Will the government and opposition commit to a timeline for implementing the recommendations of the Inquiry? Voices of the Valley is organising a public forum for 2pm Sunday 14th Sept at the Italian Australian Club Morwell to discuss the recommendations of the inquiry and ongoing concerns of the community.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 05:19:24 +0000

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