MEDIA STATEMENT BY DA CLLR MICHAEL SHACKLETON: PRETORIA: 3 OCTOBER 2014 It is with amusement and a profound sense of irony that I read the statement below released by the National Executive Committee of the ANC. [T]he NEC noted the extent to which Parliamentary processes have descended into chaos and the unruly offensive on the ANC in Parliament, Parliament itself and on democracy in our country. Hooliganism and insult are at unprecedented levels and are unfortunately being defined as a tool of engagement. The decorum and dignity of Parliament as an institution is being dragged through the mud under the cover of the right to be robust.- Statement of the ANC National Executive Committee following meeting held 21-29 September 2014. In the Tshwane City Council, opposition councillors are subjected to racial and gender abuse by the ANC and have even had their lives threatened. In 2014 alone, several incidents of insult and hooliganism have characterised Council meetings in the City of Tshwane. An ANC male Councillor informed a DA female Councillor in open session that she wishes he would spend the night with her. It is doubtful that he would have made the same comment to a man and it is indicative of an onslaught on independent women. In the August 2014 meeting of Council, a DA Councillor was told emphatically by ANC members to pack his bags and return to China, from whence he came. The DA Shadow MMC for Housing and Human Settlements was told in Council by the Executive Mayor, Kgosientso Ramakgopa, that he, as a representative of the Democratic Alliance, is a tool for white people. The Mayors comments were subsequently referred to the Human Rights Commission. One DA Councillor was informed by an ANC MMC during Council that he would meet his death at his hands. There is no decorum or dignity being held to by the powers that be in Tshwane. It would appear that the ruling party is receiving a very, very small taste of its own medicine in Parliament and that they, unsurprisingly, dont like it very much. The ruling party has set the example of how to behave in legislative bodies and it is their example of indignity that has come back to bite them.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:41:35 +0000

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