MEDIA STATEMENT-FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WEDNESDAY, 31 JULY, 2013 HAPPY 92ND BIRTHDAY TO THE SACP NEHAWU join millions of people locally and around the world in congratulating the South African Communist Party {SACP}, our vanguard, on its 92nd anniversary today. This is a historical moment for our vanguard party that has relentlessly waged the struggles of the working class in revolutionary ways without fear. We are looking forward to its guidance and scientific analysis of modern day capitalism and will continue to work with it to enrich our understanding of contemporary world economics and politics. The current challenges like the triple ills of poverty, unemployment and inequality have stirred a lot of theoretical and political discourse from a wide range of societal stakeholders in search of the pertinent answers to face up to them.We definitely believe that the SACP has the right credentials and ideological grounding to lead at this stage of our revolution and provide relevant and workable answers to the questions of the day. Currently there is an emergence of a new breed of greasy and cynical fraudsters and populists, who offer unscientific and sometimes asinine solutions to the problems facing the desperate working class. There is a serious offensive against the working class from its class enemies.Workers and the working class in South Africa find themselves having to manoeuvre the complicated minefield of capitalism, demagoguery and the emergence of extremist political formations that value doctrinal orthodoxy over critical reflection. They use the language of the working class, indulge in historical revisionism and in sordid propaganda in order to entice poor to their political projects and get their votes. We have also seen the emergence of vigilante unions that refuse to commit to stability and peace but use violence and sedition to achieve their narrow goals. The bosses are deploying all their dirty tricks to divide the workers, attack collective bargaining and sponsor warlords in the workplaces. The SACP’s role at this stage of our revolution cannot therefore be overly exaggerated because we need its scientific social analysis and its progressive viewpoint of the world for us to increase our effectiveness in our struggles. We need to roll back the influence of the markets in providing solutions to such areas as health and education and also work to improve access for the poor in these sectors. NEHAWU pledges to continue to support the SACP’s anti-corruption campaign and other campaigns of the party. We will work with the party to develop a programme of building SACP work-place units in all the branches of the union. Our union is ready to assist in a building a strong and independent SACP with the capacity to lead popular struggles in working class communities, particularly in the light of the on-going service delivery protests. We are confident that the party has enough strength, unity and wealth of knowledge to lead the society towards the radical second phase of transition and ultimately to socialism. Its growth and influence has grown over the years and its accuracy in its political and socio-economic critique of the modern day South Africa uncontested. The poor need a united and strong party and as NEHAWU, we are proud to be a reliable ally of the party in the battle for the emancipation of the working class. Happy 92nd anniversary to the vanguard of the working class. Socialism is the future. Build it now. Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat Office For further information, please contact: Sizwe Pamla (NEHAWU Media Liaison Officer) at 011 833 2902 - 082 558 5962 or email: [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 12:14:30 +0000

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