MEDICAL ASTROLOGY, EBOLA, ECLIPSES and MERCURY RETROGRADE: PERFECT COSMIC STORM FOR EBOLA TO LAND ON THE SHORES OF THE USA by Eileen Nauman Copyright 2014 Eileen Nauman https://facebook/eileen.nauman PART 1 The confluence of the “perfect cosmic storm” of Pluto going direct on 9.22, Mercury going retrograde 10.4, and two eclipses (bookends) on10.8 and 10.23, has helped highlight in the most lurid and upsetting of ways, that the USA is NOT prepared for any epidemic. Especially not Ebola. It has been a dark comedy of errors that just keeps getting more insane with every passing day. I posted an astrological time and events of cosmic players in the sky and how it was going to affect the USA and Duncan coming to our country infected with Ebola. I said in a post here on FB 10.6.2014 “FINAL OUTCOME ACCORDING TO THESE CHARTS: Ebola in the USA is here to stay. We will be getting more and more infected Ebola patients either from missionaries over there treating it in West Africa, whether West Africans flying to the USA for treatment (and lying on their airport forms at the other end of their trip like Duncan did), our military people are now at risk because 4,000 of them are in the West African countries trying to help stem the Ebola outbreak. Add to this news outlet reporters and cameramen, they too can and have, been infected. We will have what I term “pockets” of outbreak due to the above scenarios playing out on our soil. So long as Ebola does NOT mutate to becoming airborne — and it is NOT airborne yet — then we will continue to muddle through this. What puts us at most risk are hospitals like Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, who didn’t do their job in the first place and they send an infected person home to infect others. This will happen again. The CDC has NOT been forthcoming as they could about the spread of Ebola. They hedge when people ask if you can contract Ebola through sneezing and coughing. YES YOU CAN. The CDC is not the place to listen to or go to for actual, real information. For more full disclosure of updated information. My leading source for epidemic information is I have not changed my forecast from that date and it’s now 10.15.2014. Since then, we have seen Duncan die, a nurse named Pham who attended to him at the Texas Healthy Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, Texas, became infected. A second nurse, Amber, just got taken to Emory University Hospital because she tested positive for the virus as well. And Dr. Sanjay Gupta said in a CNN piece on 10.15.2014, 4:15 p.m., that Amber had called the CDC and talked to “someone” — and he doesn’t know WHO (how convenient…. make the charge but don’t hold the caller accountable—said it was “okay” to fly from Cleveland back to Dallas, TX. And she had a fever which is a symptom of Ebola. Which means she can SPREAD the disease where ever she’s at. In the airports, on the plane, for starters. CDC guidelines for monitoring said that none of these 48 health care workers who worked on Duncan, aren’t supposed to fly, go on any transportation, in any way, shape or form. But Amber did. One wonders where her mind is at? Anyway, we are seeing a black comedy of errors that started falling apart on 9.20 with Duncan landing in the USA and it’s done nothing but pick up speed and the height of ridiculousness by our vaunted leaders of this country: CDC, Texas State Health department and our Congress/President. It only gets more outrageous, the public losing confidence in the governmental system as a whole. This includes nurses losing full trust with the government and their hospitals to protect them as well. PART 2 Duncan landed in the USA on 9.20, and that is when I drew up his chart. Pluto, the ruler of EPIDEMICS, when direct on 9.22. Then we had a New Moon less than twenty-four hours later at 1 Libra to back Pluto. On 9.24, Duncan went to Texas Healthy Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, Texas,and got turned away and sent home. Even though he said he was from West Africa, had a temperature of 103F and given antibiotics and a pain killer. On 9.26, the ambulance took back to this same inept hospital and he was put in isolation and tested positive for Ebola. On 9.4 (in USA/PDT time), Mercury went retrograde at 1 Scorpio (Pluto is the ruler of epidemics, so this compounds the issue). Typically I give Mercury 5-7 days of “shadow period” activity before it actually turns retrograde or direct. That would have meant from 9.27 onward until it actually went retrograde on 10.4.2014, that mistakes, miscommunication, assumptions and bad judgement, were happening. Add to this on 10.8, we had a Full Moon Lunar eclipse 15 Aries conjunct natal Uranus, which doesn’t help anything. Duncan died on 10.5.2014. We have a second eclipse on 10.23.2014 New Moon solar eclipse 0 Scorpio 25. And Scorpio’s ruler is Pluto who rules over the spread of an outbreak/epidemic. I have found as a medical astrologer that when you get what I call the “eclipse bookends” that what happens in between the first firing off and then the second one….those days in-between? That is when everything comes to light, as eclipses will do. So far, we have two nurses who worked on Duncan, now infected with Ebola and gee, the CDC does’t know “how it happened.” The biggest critical part is between 10.8 and 10.23. It is the most virulent period and the period where people are going to be making major, life-and-death mistakes. This is where you’ll see more Ebola patients showing up. We are going to see more Ebola, not less. There is aerosol transmission through sneezing and coughing within 20 feet of that infected Ebola individual. ( And the Ebola virus can hang around for days on surfaces after the mucus and aerosol cough or sneeze happens. That means surfaces like the tables on board an airplane? I’d definitely, if I had to fly, be bringing along a pyrex wipe and wipe it off that little table in front of me to protect myself. Mercury goes direct on 10.25.2014 at 16 Libra 46. Until then, we are going to continue to see misinformation, half-lies, half-truths, idiocy, passing the political football around in our country and no one taking responsibility for the stupid decisions they’ve already made. You have Mercury retrograde pushing to show all of us just how not ready any of us are for a true outbreak. And we DO have an outbreak, make no mistake about that. The only question is: how big will it get? Judging from the fumbling of CDC, the US government, the Texas State Health services, we are going to see it EXAND, not get controlled any time soon. PART 3 TIMING OF EVENTS I’m using transiting Mars and comparing it aspect-wise against the Duncan landing in USA chart and the Sibley USA chart. Both are into inner play with one another. Ive put up a biwheel so you can see both of them and how they interface with one another. You can’t separate them and use one or another. You have to look at both of them for hard aspects they make with transiting Mars. Looking at Duncan’s arrival chart to the USA, when transiting Mars goes over the Ascendant at 6 Capricorn, which is 11.4.2014, we should see more activity in getting a handle on this outbreak. More TRANSPARENCY, should I say? Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has REFUSED to share what they did wrong with any other hospital…. probably for fear of lawsuits which are gonna be coming at them like the speed of light (well deserved), anyway. By not sharing, they leave every other US hospital without critical flow information that could protect health care workers at those hospitals. How selfish is that? This Dallas, Texas hospitals has shown it does not care a whit about it’s people who work for it. It cares only for money, protecting their ass from law suits and have basically gone underground, with no news conferences the past week. They are playing ostrich-with-their-head-in-the-sand, but that will change with transiting Mars coming over the Duncan ascendant. T. Mars is also is opposite the Sibley USA chart Jupiter 5 Cancer, which is usually a sign the epidemic blows up or runs away, not stoppable because Jupiter has no boundaries (just like Neptune, which rules virus, bacteria, mold, fungi). It is out of control. Transiting Mars goes from the 12th house of hidden agendas, hiding the truth, hiding critical information. In the first house, a lot of things will “come to light” and be known. Of course, Mercury goes direct on 10.25.2014, pushing that possibility. And the New Moon eclipse on 10.23.2014 also is opening up a new pathway with dealing with this Ebola outbreak in our country. It can also mean that more Ebola cases come to light around that time. On 11.8.2014 in the Sibley chart, transiting Mars conjuncts Sibley Admetos (all things hidden) and I feel that another case of Ebola will show up. And if not, then lies comes out of the dark and are shown to the public. Liars are outed. Could very well be top government people being fired, like Friedman at the CDC. Or Texas State health officials for their inept handling of the Ebola outbreak in Dallas. Or both. In the Sibley USA chart on 11.13.2014 transiting Mars is 13 Capricorn, opposite the Sun. This is in the 8th house of people in power. We can only wish that the CDC and government is getting it right by this time, but it could also, an opposition, bring full awareness and the epidemic is no longer under control at all. If Vinson infected anyone on that flight from Cleveland to Dallas on 10.13, then 21 days from that time would include through 11.7.2014. So we may well see more Ebola infected people coming to “light around that time. Keep this time frame upper most in your mind: Oct 13 through November 7th is at the 21 day Ebola incubation period for any of those passengers on that Frontier airlines flight from Cleveland to Dallas, Texas that Vinson was on and spewing virus around. What is worrisome in the Duncan arrival chart, is that transiting Mars will conjunct Pluto 11 Capricorn 11.10.2014, so we may well see the epidemic increase in number of Ebola cases during that time frame. On Nov 23/24, 2014, when transiting Mars 21 Capricorn conjuncts the Sibley Kronos, 21 Capricorn, I would say that more heads will roll and firings will take place. Or a central Ebola Czar will be in place to coordinate all agencies, which is desperately needed. Right now, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing and vice-versa. On 12.1.2014, transiting Mars conjuncts Sibley USA chart Pluto 27 Capricorn. And as we all know by now, Pluto rules epidemics. And Mars is one of the “trigger” planets that sets it off. We’re either going to send an END to this round of Ebola in our country at that time. Or, we’re going to see the Ebola outbreak worsening exponentially and you can add multiplication into this as well to and out-of-control epidemic takes off. Note that it takes Mars 22 months to make cycle around the Sun so last time was 12.22.2012 when it last conjunct Sibley Pluto 27 Capricorn. By December 1, 2014, we are going to either have this outbreak under control, or all bets are off and it’s gone from Dallas, Texas and has spread to enough other states, that the medical care system is overwhelmed and no one knows what to do any more. No country is ready for an outbreak of Ebola among the masses. All you need do is look at West Africa. Everyone should look to Uganda, who is adroitly handling a Marburg virus outbreak (deadly as Ebola) and now has it under control. Why? Because they have put health ahead of everything and they are prepared to handle these virus outbreaks in their country. It’s a poster child for how to do it right. The US should study what Uganda is presently doing. So, let’s just hope that our dysfunctional government, including the CDC, the Texas Health State department, the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, have shared information, gotten it out to the nurses around the country, know what does work and what doesn’t. If that doesn’t happen, you are going to see chaos as never before. And I truly hope that does not happen. With these two charts looking as they do, it’s a toss up.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:29:45 +0000

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