MEDICAL INFO; CHIKUNGUNYA FEVER =====> viral disease transmitted - TopicsExpress


MEDICAL INFO; CHIKUNGUNYA FEVER =====> viral disease transmitted to humans by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. SIGN and SYMPTOMS: 1. Fever 2. Debilitating arthralgia (joint pain) 3. Swellng of joints 4. Stiffness of joints 5. Headache 6. Fatigue 7. Nausea/ vomitting 8. Myalgia ( muscuar pain ) 9. Rashes TREATMENT; Homeophatic treatment is done with a doctors supervissions.. They also use conventional tx. Consist of Symptomatic tx. Pain reliever/ anti pyretic.. PREVENTIONS; * Use mosquito repellent * get rid of mosquito breeding sites. Such an stagnant water in vases, pet jars and etc.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:32:55 +0000

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