MEDICAL MYTH # 7 TITER TESTS A titer test is an estimate of the - TopicsExpress


MEDICAL MYTH # 7 TITER TESTS A titer test is an estimate of the antibody level in a unit volume of serum. Antibody production involves preparation of antigen samples and their safe injection into laboratory or farm animals so as to evoke high expression levels of antigen specific antibodies in the serum. Antibodies by scientific definition are classified as proteins. Proteins are by scientific definition are molecules. A molecule by scientific definition is two or more atoms that stick together. If you still believe the above have any life in them you must be a communist or crazy. lol The method and material. A poison of some kind is injected into an animal. This poison is injected until the animal shows no symptoms. The scientist then concludes that the animal is immune from the disease and forms antibodies. The fact that the animal’s body just developed a toleration for the poison like a human does to smoking or drinking isn’t considered. Neither is the fact that the immune system of the animal was able to neutralize and eliminate the poison considered. Blood is taken from the animal and allowed to coagulate. The yellow serum is then mixed with red blood cells. If clumping happens it is said that antibodies are present. Here is the man who created the test. “A New York virologist named George K. Hirst had discovered that certain viruses, including those of the flu, caused red blood cells to clump, or coagulate in test tubes. All they had to do was add blood and look for clumps. Jonas Salk enlarged the idea. He showed that antibody titer (approximate concentration of antibody) of a blood sample could be calculated by adding virus to the sample and interpreting the clumps that formed.” Definition of the word virus. Poison. A poison substance produced in the body by a disease. So they injected a poison into the animal, bled him, and added the poison to red blood cells and if clumping occurred it was said to contain antibodies and those antibodies (poison) would protect one from a disease. Notice no antibodies are seen. It’s just a mixing of virus (poison) (infected material) with red blood cells. So what is the material they are mixing with red blood cells? Here are a few actual vaccine recipes which tell you what the virus material is made from. “The vaccine was injected in the testicles of a rabbit. Four days later the testicles were removed and ground in a mortar. The material was centrifuged and the fluid used as a vaccine.” Here is the source. “OBSERVATIONS CONCERNING THE PERSISTENCE OF LIVING CELLS IN MAITLAND”S MEDIUM FOR THE CULTIVATION OF VACCINE VIRUS. By Thomas M. Rivers, M.D. June 7, 1929 Page 182. “The fixed virus (lab made) of rabies was produced in rabbit brain. Page 1. ) The virus used in this study had been cultivated in a medium containing the tissues of chick embryos from which the head and spinal cord had been removed. The requisite concentration of virus for inoculation was obtained by utilizing brains of mice. Page 2. Infected chick embryos were ground up in a mortar with normal human serum and centrifuged, then passed through a filter and injected into the brains of mice.” Here is the source. THE USE OF YELLOW FEVER VIRUS MODIFIED IN VITRO CULTIVATION FOR HUMAN IMMUNIZATION. By Max Theller, M.D. March 18, 1937. So they took ground up rabbit testicles, rabbit brain, rat brain and spinal cord and mixed it with red blood cells. If the mixture clumped that was supposed to mean that there were fighters called antibodies. Now you know why they didn’t see antibodies. They didn’t exist. It’s all part of the con-game. Google those sources and prove it for yourself. P.S. Notice it is said that antibodies are proteins and molecules. If you have been following my information you will know that proteins and molecules are particles of something, animal, vegetable or mineral and are seen only under an electron microscope. And anything seen under that scope is dead. That is why there is no such thing as a living virus or antibody. The only resemblance to the lock and key theory is the bull shit that locks these two lies together. Virus definition. From the book, “The Smallest Enemy” by David Lock “A virus is a tiny sub microscope particle that is not really alive. The virus does not really draw nourishment from the host-being just a simple collection of chemicals.” It can’t be any plainer than that. P.S. look up Blood fractionation-the process of fractionating whole blood, or separating it into its component parts. This is done by centrifuging the blood. This separates the cells from the serum. The serum is than separated. It is in the serum that the antibodies are said to exist. A component called gamma globulin. Try to find the scientist who has seen these little critters. Good luck.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 07:33:20 +0000

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