MEDICINAL USES FOR RAW HONEY ~ Moisturize skin with a mixture - TopicsExpress


MEDICINAL USES FOR RAW HONEY ~ Moisturize skin with a mixture of honey, eggs and flour ~ Honey is antibacterial and makes a powerful antiseptic to cleanse and heal wounds and prevent scabs from sticking to bandages ~ Kills viruses and bacterial infections when mixed and eaten with raw, minced garlic ~ Boosts energy, reduces fatigue, stimulates mental alertness, strengthens immunity, provides minerals, vitamins, antioxidants ~ Restores eyesight, relieves a sore throat, makes an effective cough syrup ~ Prevents heart disease by improving blood flow and prevents damage to capillaries ~ Regulates the bowels; cures colitis and IBS ~ Soothes burns, disinfects wounds, reduces inflammation and pain, promotes faster healing ~ Reduces anxiety and acts as a sedative; creating calm and restful sleep, alkalizes bodys pH ~ Anti-cancer agents protect against the formation of tumors ~ Relieves indigestion and acid reflux, heals peptic ulcers ~ Makes a great lip balm and refreshing herbal wash or lotion ~ Destroys bacteria causing acne, prevents scarring ~ Flushes parasites from liver and colon ~ Heal diabetic ulcers with topical applications ~ Mix with powdered herbs for topical applications or to reduce bitterness when taken internally ~ Smooths and exfoliates facial skin, reduces surface lines, softens dry skin on elbows and heels ~ Add to green coconut water for supercharged athletic drinks ~ Relieve hangovers by eating honey the morning after ~ Protect hair from split ends with a honey conditioner; honey rinse promotes shiny hair ~ Soften hard water by adding honey to bath water ~ Speeds metabolism to stimulate weight loss ~ Improves digestion with natural enzymes ~ Mix honey and lemon with warm water first thing in the morning for an effective cleanse ~ Anti-fungal properties cure vaginal yeast infections and athletes foot ~ Relieve hay fever by chewing on honeycomb ~ Protects topically and internally against pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA ~ Builds immunity to hay fever allergens by mixing honey and bee pollen and take early in season ~ Quenches thirst and relieves heat stroke; stops hiccups ~ Lessens the effects of poisons and toxins ~ Has mild laxative properties ~ Relieves asthma when mixed with black pepper and ginger ~ Controls blood pressure when mixed with fresh garlic juice Honey as food ~ Make salad dressing using honey ~ Sweeten baked goods with honey instead of sugar ~ Smear honey on toast for a mid-afternoon energy snack ~ Preserve fruit by adding honey to water and pouring over fresh fruit in canning jars ~ Make fresh fruit jams with honey instead of sugar
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 10:08:12 +0000

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