MEDITATION FOR TODAY! (It’s Friday!) Today, we begin feeling - TopicsExpress


MEDITATION FOR TODAY! (It’s Friday!) Today, we begin feeling the call of Autumn in our bones. We look longingly at our quilts and cozy sweat pants and dream of cooler weather. As we close our eyes, we see ourselves in the middle of a beautifully expansive back yard dotted with oak and sycamore and maple trees. The leaves, yet green, slowly begin paling in color, taking on a more golden color, the maples growing redder and redder…. We focus upon this gradual transformation of our world and realize the beauty that exists in the process of change. Nothing is static. Nothing stays the same. We travel on this circular current that is Earth and enjoy our travels through the seasons and through the times of plenty and little, both the same. We leave the scent of coconut oil behind us as cinnamon and allspice creep into our nostrils and enliven us at the time of year more considered as a time of slumbering. In every season, there is a balance. Find the balance within yourself and hold it. Keep hold of it each day. Make a commitment to yourself to keep yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically fit, all with the purpose of maintaining your connection to God. Remember the balance that is granted to us, and honor it by doing your part. Blessings!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:36:42 +0000

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