MEDITATION ON IN CHRIST OUR SANCTIFICATION Most Blessed Father! I bow in speechless adoration before the holy mystery of Thy Divine Love. … Oh, forgive me, that I have known and believed it so little as it is worthy of being known and believed. Accept my praise for what I have seen and tasted of its Divine blessedness. Accept, Lord God! of the praise of a glad and loving heart that only knows that it never can praise Thee aright. And hear my prayer, O my Father! that in the power of Thy Holy Spirit, who dwells in me, I may each day accept and live out fully what Thou hast given me in Christ my sanctification. May the unsearchable riches there are in Him be the daily supply for my every need. May His Holiness, His delight in Thy will, indeed become mine. Teach me, above all, how this can most surely be, because I am, through the work of Thine Almighty Quickening Power, in Him, kept there by Thyself. My Father! my faith cries out:I can be holy, blessed be my Lord Jesus! In this faith I yield myself to Thee, Lord Jesus, my King and Master, to do Thy will alone. In everything I do, great or small, I would act as one sanctified in Jesus, united to Gods will in Him. It is Thou alone canst teach me to do this, canst give me strength to perform it. But I trust in Thee—art Thou not Christ my sanctification? Blessed Lord! I do trust Thee. Amen. 1. Christ, as He lived and died on earth, is our sanctification. His life, the Spirit of His life, is what constitutes our holiness. To be in perfect harmony with Christ, to have His mind, is to be holy. 2. Christs Holiness had two sides. God sanctified Him by His Spirit: Christ sanctified Himself by following the leading of the Spirit, by giving up His will to God in everything. So God has made us holy in Christ; and so we follow after and perfect holiness by yielding ourselves to Gods Spirit, by giving up our will and living in the will of God. 3. It is well that we take in every aspect of what God has revealed of holiness in His word. But let us never weary ourselves by seeking to grasp all completely. Let us even return to the simplicity that is in Jesus. To bow at His feet, to believe that He knows all we need, and has it all, and loves to give it all, is rest. And holiness is resting in Jesus the rest of God. Let all our thoughts be gathered up into this one: Jesus, Blessed Jesus. 4. This holy life in Christ is for to- day, when you read this. For to- day He is made of God unto you sanctification: to- day He will indeed be your holiness. Believe in Him for it; trust Him, praise Him. And remember: you are in Him.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:49:14 +0000

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