MEET GREEN JELLO FRANCHISE BAND MEMBER HULK HOGAN green jellovision WWF...back in the 90s we were selling sooooo many CDs and videos in Europe that I lived there for a month just doing tv shows and day I am sitting in my hotel eating strawberries and whip cream and I get a phone call in my room...I pick up the phone and say HELLO and suddenly this guy claims to be a huge green jello fan and wants to join our band and record a song with us...he tells me his name is HULK HOGAN and that he is sending a limo to my hotel to come pick me up and when out the details...I think to myself...yeah right HULK HOGAN so I decided to go along with the gag and I say SURE next thing I know this gigantic white limo comes and picks me up at the hotel...again I think to what a elaborate joke...but I figured maybe I was in some sorta ENGLAND CANDID CAMERA SHOW and I decided to roll with it...I hop in the limo and we were off...suddenly we roll into a gigantic stadium and right up to the staging area...the door open and much to my surprise its HULK HOGAN opening the limo door for me...he greets me with pure excitement and introduces him self as bass player TERRY HOGAN suddenly I am in a studi filled with tens of thousands of people screaming for the HULKSTER...he says he would be right back and he disappears in to the deafening screams of his fans...I get ring side VIP seats and the show begins...the cried goes wild as the American hero HULK HOGAN pins the RUSSIAN and then we hop into the limo and we are off to planet Hollywood London...when we get there there are thousands of dans and journalists and media everywhere...we are then wisked inside by tons of body guards to our own VIP table where we party like sultans and discuss the song thing I know I am hanging out with hulk hogan in a Hollywood posh recording studio to record his song idea and film a music video for MTV...the song winds up being our 3rd top 30 hits song in Europe... and of course the day he rolls up to meet me at the recording studio his limo the license plate reads the number 33 as seen on the opening of this kick ass music video...and the moral of the story is: aliens...
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 02:13:52 +0000

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