MEET THE CAST – JAKE CHAPMAN EDITION! Role in current show - TopicsExpress


MEET THE CAST – JAKE CHAPMAN EDITION! Role in current show – Wally Beaker – A Ghostblaster QUESTION 1) How long have you been an actor with The Gaslight? I’ve been an actor here at the Gaslight for 6 1/2 years. My first show I understudied Todd Thompson. Then I understudied dual parts for about 3 years before I was able to become part of the official opening cast. QUESTION 2) How did you hear about the Gaslight and what made you audition for Gaslight? When I heard of it, I was in the fifth grade and lived on the north side. So the only reason I came over to this side of town was because I got involved in the youth theatre program at the Gaslight. I was Friar Tuck in The Gasight Youth Theatre’s production of “Robin Hood”. I never actually had exposure to an actual Gaslight play though except when the youth theatre would have rehearsal and we would come in as the Gaslight actors were leaving their rehearsal. I would sometimes catch a little of their rehearsal and was just blown away with what they were doing. I remember thinking to myself, “I’ll never be able to do that.” Fast forward about 10 years. I was in school at Pima Community College where I met Tarreyn Van Slyke while doing theatre there. We were doing “Wonderful Town”. I started dating Tarreyn and through her I met her dad Peter, Gaslight’s Director. He asked me to audition for Gaslight. I was super hesitant at first because I didn’t want to step on Tarreyn’s toes. But they talked me into it and I auditioned with a song from Wonderful Town. That’s when I got the part to understudy Todd. The first time I actually came to a show was when I was in college to watch Tarreyn. My friend and I came and had a blast! I wore a tux and fake mustache. I really wanted to have an experience, we were obnoxious and had a lot of fun. I was hooked! QUESTION 3) Other than performing at Gaslight, how do you like to spend your time? I love to play golf. I love Tucson! I love exploring downtown and concerts. QUESTION 4) What has been your favorite show to perform in and what character(s)? I’ve gotta say “Spider Guy” hands down was my favorite role to play, but “Back to the Past” was the best one to actually work on because I was on stage the WHOLE time, it was a very challenging role. I will say that “Spider Guy” opened a lot of doors for me! QUESTION 5) Do you ever get recognized when you are out and about? If so, what is that like? YUP!!! I get recognized A LOT and it’s SO MUCH FUN!! I meet so many people because of it so I end up sitting with people and talking about it and you realize, EVERYONE has a Gaslight story. People are so gracious and I’m so grateful to them too. I never get sick of it, never! I didn’t so much get recognized in my first few years, but it’s definitely increased and in the past couple of years it’s been a lot. People come up to me and quote the shows. It’s so cool! QUESTION 6) Do you have a hero? Yes, Peter Van Slyke, because of his patience, he never loses it. He taught me a lot about “the biz”, how to survive it. He’s a great director. My second would definitely be Mike Yarema. He really helped me out at the beginning, like day to day. There is a formula unique to the way The Gaslight does theatre. Mike helped me along the way. I’m so thankful to him for that. QUESTION 7) What do you think about getting to make a living doing what you love? It’s UNBELEIVABLE! I always wanted to make a living as a working actor. In high school THAT is what I wanted. People sometimes have to remind me that it actually happened. Because of THIS job I’ve been able travel, have a savings, it’s really the best! It’s been a FANTASTIC 6 ½ years. The Gaslight has helped me so much to get to where I am. My next steps are fueled by Gaslight! QUESTION 8) Do you ever get nervous before a performance? Yes, especially before opening. There’s different stages, preview and opening night I’m a wreck, but by about the fourth day I’m crusin’, but absolutely yes, I get nervous. Nerves come with a little bit of adrenaline though and that can be fun! It’s kind of like motor cross, but on stage! QUESTION 9) If you didn’t work at The Gaslight, what do you think you would be doing? Singing songs to tourists on the streets on forth avenue, no joke. I always wanted to be an actor. I’ve always had this drive to make people happy. We all have troubles in our lives. I feel like The Gaslight gives me a platform to make people happy. I just have this connection with people. Question 10) We know you and Tarreyn are headed to LA. How do you see yourself as part of the Gaslight’s future? I absolutely see myself as part of the theatre‘s future. I would love to have the privilege of coming back to do a show here and there. And If I make it big, I’d love to give back in some way to Gaslight, including coming back to do shows. I WILL NEVER FORGET THE GASLIGHT. Gaslight was my college, I got my degree here, it will always be part of who I am and where I go. Please describe life as a Gaslight actor. My life as a Gaslight actor is different from at least 75% of other peoples jobs. It’s wonderful! We’re constantly creating, there are constant stakes, you get to take risks and hope the audience likes it. I like that my free time is REAL FREE TIME. Its honest free time. I make an actual living doing it, yet it’s fun like adolescence. So many people reach out to me. Like if I’m out and about someone will recognize me as a Gaslight actor and right away say, “We love that place, the next round is on me.” This place is a generational time warp too. I get to work with and perform for, literally all ages, it’s GREAT! That’s my favorite part, is when people come out to the meet and greet after the shows. They are so nice, they tell me their stories and how happy this place makes them or how long they’ve been coming. You experience so many generations! FUN FACTS: FAVORITE FOOD? Tacos FAVORITE DESSERT? Cookies, Chocolate chip FAVORITE MOVIE? I love classics, but I think it’s still out there, yet to be made…the one I’ll be in someday! FAVORITE MUSIC? FOLK Please sum up your time with Gaslight using only 4 words. Forget ALL your troubles!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 02:14:37 +0000

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