MEET THE PLAYERS For eight years, Dick Cheney and his - TopicsExpress


MEET THE PLAYERS For eight years, Dick Cheney and his Israeli/Saudi friends wielded the world’s largest military force, America’s two million men, $1.5 trillion dollar per year juggernaut. Intelligence sources now tell us that this same trio, hiding behind the ISIL, is waging a corporate war across the Middle East, a surrogate war backed by corporate billions. Military and intelligence analysts conclude that ISIL operations continue to enjoy full intelligence and logistical support, port and rail facilities through Aqaba, Jordan, safe transit for militants through Israel. All other claimed sources of supply, particularly those through Turkey are a fabrication, deception and cover. Moving military hardware through Turkey, multiple layers of military and police oversight, harbors under full naval control, is an absolute impossibility. Nothing moves in Turkey without full complicity of both civil and military authority, something that, at this time, simply doesn’t exist. All of this is meant to hide the complicity, not only of Saudi Arabia and Israel in support of Al Qaeda but that the entire “Arab winter” operation we are seeing, the unraveling of any movement remotely resembling “popular government,” is simply a rerun of the post 9/11 Bush/Blair “heist” sold to the public as the “war on terror.” The US-built armor and transportation handed over to the ISIL in Mosul is far from the first help they have received “Made in USA.” From Veterans Today correspondent, Jeffrey Silverman reporting from the Republic of Georgia: “The supposedly captured US Humvees his troops have taken to Syria are purported to be the inanimate equivalents of the US hostages held for so long in Iran in the late seventies. However, the track record of al-Shishani himself, and the various players in the region, indicates that something else is going on. The US-backed rebels are losing ground in Syria. ISIL, though presented as the enemy in northern Iraq, has been installed there to finish the job the original rebels have proved unable to. The capture of the equipment is in fact a strategic handover. It serves two purposes: to equip the anti-Assad forces and to provide cover for equipment being brought out of Afghanistan and handed over to ISIL. It will be said, if anyone notices, that this equipment must have been stolen from northern Iraq, because we have seen this happen on TV, and CNN says so!” PAVING THE WAY Unseen by constellations of surveillance satellites and dozens of American drones, the ISIL, the Chechen led “militant” army simply walked into and across Iraq. Though Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia monitor all communications in the region, though armies of “assets” line every road and infest every village, it was all unseen, unheard, and to anyone who understand military operations, unbelievable. The operational scope seen in the current two front war waged by what we are told is a Takfiri-led movement steeped in religious and tribal extremism. Though this is true to an extent and certainly a factor in recruiting fighters, the “taskings” the ISIL has followed are global, clearly economically driven and tied to an agenda more closely aligned with Wall Street than their secret Saudi paymasters. DISMEMBERED IRAQ With a majority Shiite population and a newly established tradition of voting along religious lines, the idea of a Sunni minority taking control of Iraq is a pipe dream. This is what makes the current attacks something very different than they seem. With Kurdistan aligned, for the time at least, with Baghdad, the real target, Kirkuk and its vast oil fields, should well be outside the ability of the ISIL, no matter how much help they receive from disaffected Sunnis in Iraq, to move against. Yet the Kirkuk fields and the end hub of the Kirkuk, Baku, Ceyhan Pipeline is the obvious target. As long as these assets along with the oil fields to the South, Basra, are producing, Iraq can and will weather this current storm, providing realistic political reforms are put on the table. What is yet to be seen is how far those who seek to destroy Iraq are willing to go, what they have promised and to whom. Iraq has known war, a decade of war with Iran and another against the United States. No nation in recent history has known comparable suffering, not even Vietnam. There will be no winners if Iraq comes apart. GD/NN
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 10:00:27 +0000

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