MELANIN The Range In Eye Color, From Blue To Hazel To Brown (see - TopicsExpress


MELANIN The Range In Eye Color, From Blue To Hazel To Brown (see figure one), Depends On The Level Of Melanin Pigment Stored In The Melanosome The melanin dominate African race has the most blood circulation to all types of the skin (derma); absorbs more flavor from food; sees and hears full spectrum color and sound/music; body contains the highest quantity of vitamins and minerals; vibrates more electromagnetic energy; has the fastest nerve and muscle response; possesses the highest brain activity; and is the most psychic, spiritual and civilized people - the people blessed by god. (Dr Llaila Afrika,). We now know, based on recent scientific studies of DNA, that modern humanity originated in Africa, that African people are the worlds original people, and that all modern humans can ultimately trace their ancestral roots back to Africa. Were it not for the primordial migrations of early African people, humanity would have remained physically africoid, and the rest of the world outside of the African continent absent of human life. (Runoko Rashidi,) Melanin is the physical manifestation of the entire electro magnetic spectrum, so that means that where ever you are, any light that is like you, your melanin is going to be able to pick that up and relay it to your brain because every granule of melanin is directly sitting on a nerve ending, because it is a neuron, it is a form of brain tissue. So if you happen to be jet black, and you are walking around outside, and there is a particular star that is up in the sky, the amount of light that is being pulsated from this particular star will actually hit your melanin granules, your nerves will then relay that to the brain, and it will make an image! -Jewel Pookrum You are not an African because you are born in Africa. You are an African because Africa is born in you! -Runoko Rashidi What is Black Melanin? Melanin is a hormone which is found in virtually all parts of the human body, animals, plants, in nature in general including the universe. “The dark color or pigment of the human body that is found internally as well as externally is called melanin.”(Moore, 2002:20) Hormones released from cells or glands in the body are responsible for the proper functioning of the body in terms of firing messages between various significant organs of the body especially proper cell functioning (Moore, 2002). The body of existing descriptions and discussion of the complexity of melanin which are relatively objective scientific discussions of melanin include the advantages of black melanin in the functioning of the body, its protective capabilities as a neutralizer, nerve conductor, and energy transformer. The black melanin plays a fundamental role in the nervous system, endocrine system, the pigment layer in the retina of the visual system, the auditory system in human hearing, and finally in the skin and its hormones (Moore, 2002). The immediate question one can ask is why if this melanin hormone is obviously key or ubiquitous or is everywhere in the human body, in other creatures, plants and nature and especially in the universe, Why isn’t everyone discussing and researching it aggressively? There seems to be even a reluctance to call or acknowledge the hormone as black or dark in the main stream writings. - See more at:
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 01:29:15 +0000

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