MELCHIZEDEK KAAVI ON UNDERSTANDING THE SOUTHER CAMEROONS QUESTION WITH DR. MFOR NGAL MFOR 1) The SOUTHERN CAMROONS AND THE U.N MK: For what purpose was the United Nations Founded? NFOR: The United Nations was founded to maintain international peace and to help bring justice and prosperity to all peoples of the world. MK: What declaration did the UN made in 1960 concerning colonial peoples and countries? NFOR: In December 1960 the UN declared in Resolution 1514 (xv) that subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights and that immediate steps shall be taken in trust and non –self government territories to trans far all powers to the peoples of those territories WITHOUT ANY CONDITIONS OR RESERVATIONS. MK: What was the statues of the Southern Cameroons at the time of the above declaration? NFOR Southern Cameroons in 1960 was a dependent trust territory of the UN. It was at this time enjoying self-government a step to full independence. MK- why did the UN established a trusteeship council? NFOR- The UN established a trusteeship council to supervise the administrations of trusteeship territories like Southern Cameroons to full independence. MK-What was the objectives of the trusteeship system? NFOR- According to article 76 (b) of the UN charter, the objective was to promote the advancement of the inhabitance of the trust territories and their progress towards self- government or independence. MK- why then was Southern Cameroons not granted her independence in keeping with article 76 of the UN charter? NFOR- the UN erred instead of granting to the Southern Cameroons, the UN conducted a plebiscite asking the people of Southern Cameroons, to attain independence by joining either Nigeria or La Republique Du Cameroun. MK- how can the UN correct the error it made? NFOR- the UN can correct the error it mad by: A) Accepting that the UN imposed union in Cameroon has failed and take necessary steps to facilitate the peaceful separation of the two states. B) Taking appropriate steps to sanction La Republique Du Cameroun for annexing the Southern Cameroons contrary to Resolution 224 (iii) of 18 November 1948. MK- what was Resolution 224 of 18 November 1948 all about? NFOR- This Resolution was passed to protect all trust territories from annexation by any of their neighboring countries. By this resolution Southern Cameroons it self a trust territory was protected from being annexed either by Nigeria or any other neighboring country. MK- what decision did the UN take concerning the results of the plebiscite it conducted in the Southern Cameroons in February 1960? NFOR- the UN passed Resolution 1608(xv) directing in paragraph 5, that the administering authority ie UK, the government of Southern Cameroons and La Republique Du Cameroun should meet in a post plebiscite conference and finalize. Before 1 Oct 1961, the arrangements by which Southern Cameroons would unit with La Republique Du Cameroun to form the Federal United Cameroon Republic on 1st Oct 1961 MK- did the post plebiscite hold? NFOR- unfortunately no both the UK as the administering authority and the UN failed to implement resolution 1608. Southern Cameroons still a trust territory was simply abandoned. MK-What was the consequences of this abandonment? NFOR- a perfect stage has been prepared for annexation. The Southern Cameroons turned up at the Foumban constitutional talks without the UK and without the UN. President Ahidjo of La Republique Du Cameroun came with a strong team of French experts, and embarked on the process of annexing the Southern Cameroons. Ahidjo latter told this party at Ebolowa in 1962, that there was no birth of a new federation that, La Republique Du Cameroun simply transformed itself and amended its constitution of Feb 1960 to accommodate (annex) the Southern Cameroons/ MK- do the Southern Cameroonians blame the UN or UK for their plight? NFOR- the UN and the UK clearly take total considerable responsibilities for the fate, which the Southern Cameroons has gone through, but in the process of restoring their independence, the Southern Cameroons is not looking at the past but into the future. The Southern Cameroons seeks greater international understanding of their independence question in order to reach out to friendly countries for their support and assistance. Every nation large or small under international law has the right to self exist, and the citizens of every country have an inalienable right to exercise full sovereignty over their country. 2) The annexation and distortion campaign by La Republique Du Cameroun. MK- what were the bases of the UN prescribed federal union in Cameroon? NFOR- the arrangement by the UN for unification in 1961 as published in the UN two alternatives was that the union would be a federation of the two states of equal statues. The British Southern Cameroons attaining her independence on Oct 1 1961and was uniting with La Republique Du Cameroun immediately. Mean while La Republique has attained her own independence on the 1st of Jan 1960. The two states federation therefore comprised of La Republique Du Cameroun (East Cameroun) and the British Southern Cameroons (West Cameroon) MK- what legal provision guaranteed the agreement on federation? NFOR- article 47(1) of the federal constitution stated, “No bill to amend the constitution may be introduced, if it tend to impair the unity and integrity of the federation” MK- given that the federation character of the union was not to be changed, how then did La Republique Du Cameroun come to annex the Southern Cameroons? NFOR- In 1972 La Republique Du Cameroun used its majority population to subvert the constitution. In a fraudulent referendum, the populations of the two states without distinctions were asked if they wanted a unitary state instead of federation. It was a gross violation of article 47 (1) quoted above which forbid such an action. This referendum was pretext to annex Southern Cameroons. Francophone Camerounians were made to vote either “oui” or “yes” the result was as intended 99.99%. The federation was unilaterally abolished, the state Government in Buea dissolved and the name of the country was changed from federal republic of Cameroon to the United Republic of Cameroon. Of the two stars on the flag, one was dropped and the system of government administration was completely francophonised. MK- Why does the annexation of the Southern Cameroon by La Republique amount to a declaration of war no the UN? NFOR- In annexing the Southern Cameroons La Republique has Du Cameroun has openly defied UN Resolution 224-(iii) of 18th Nov 1948, protecting the Southern Cameroons from being annexed to the British colony of Nigeria or any other neighboring country. MK- What happened in 1984? NFOR- in 1984 president Biya again changed the name of the country from the United Republic of Cameroon to La Republique Du Cameroun, and embarked vigorously on a policy of national integration by imposing francophone administrators, police, gendarmes and soldiers on the Southern Cameroons. MK- what did this change of name of the country mean? NFOR- this change of name to her name prior to unification means that La Republique Du Cameroun had seceded from the federal union. Southern Cameroonians were now left as a stateless people. MK- what does national integration mean? NFOR- As used by the government of La Republique Du Cameroun, national integration is purely a euphemism of annexation. The Southern Cameroons joined the union as a single entity, was annexed by these processes through an unconstitutional referendum in 1972. Using this policy of national integration La Republique Du Cameroun carved unilaterally Southern Cameroons into two provinces, namely North West and South West, of La Republique Du Cameroon. MK- What did La Republic Du Cameroun tell the UN about national integration and annexation before unification in 1961? NFOR- The prime minister of La Republique Du Cameroun the late Amadou Ahidjo told the 13th session of the UNO on the 25th of Feb, 1959 that in her alia” I should not want the firmness and clarity of our stand to be interpreted as a desire for integration on my part which should sound the death nail to the hopes of our British brothers in the zone under British administration. We do not wish to bring the weight of our population to bear on our English brothers, we are not annexationist.” “ In other words, if our brothers of the British zone wish to unite with an independent Cameroun, we are ready to discuss the matter with them, but we will discuss it on a footing of equality” Neither late Ahidjo nor his successor Biya has kept any of these firm and unequivocal promises. NB: The Southern Cameroons was a trust territory of the UNO and with La Republique Du Cameroun in 1961 formed a Federation of two equal states. But is now annexed by La Republique Du Cameroun and regarded as an ethnic minority. Now that the Southern Cameroons has decided to restore here independence, La Republique Du Cameroun is calling this secession. But under the aegis of the SCNC Southern Cameroons proceed in to reviving her independence. ANNEXATION IS A CRIME UNDER INENATIONAL LAW. BUT SELF DETERMINATION IS A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF ANY PEOPLE PROTECTED AND DEFENDED BY THE UN CHARTER, THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN AND PEOPLE’S RIGHT. MK- According to La Republique Du Cameroun the Southern Cameroons question is a minority question, is the Southern Cameroons an ethnic minority in La Republique Du Cameroun? NFOR- Definitely NO! MK- Why is it wrong to equate the Southern Cameroons question to that of an ethnic minority in La Republique Du Cameroun, like the Bambilike, Betis Basas? NFOR-The Southern Cameroons came into the ill-fated union already an independence state equal in status to La Republique Du Cameroun not as an ethnic group. Southern Cameroon per say has her own ethnic groups, which have no link with those of La Republique Du Cameroon. The Southern Cameroons had its own structure of statehood (Parliament, judiciary and executive branches), which were fraudulently dismantled, in an act of unconstitutionality, when the federation was suppressed and the Southern Cameroons annexed by La Republique Du Cameroun. By 1961 the Southern Cameroons had more years of experience in modern system government (1954-1961) than La Republique Du Cameroun (1957-1961) MK- why does La Republique Du Cameroun insist on classifying the Southern Cameroons question as a minority problem? NFOR- This is to water down the issue as unimportant to deceive the world, or as one of those insignificant problems of ethnic conflict of which it has over 250 ethnic groups hiding under the cloak of national sovereignty, they want to reduce an international problem into an internal affair of the LA Republique Du Cameroun. MK- has the Southern Cameroon itself any ethnic minority? NFOR-Certainly yes some ethnic minorities in the Southern Cameroons like any other African nations, include the Bakweri, Bakosi, Kom, Nso, the Mbembe, the Wimbums amongst others. MK- and what is the simple truth? NFOR- on the 19th of April 1961 the UN voted by an over whelming majority for the independence of the Southern Cameroons. MK- which are those nations that voted yes for the independence of the Southern Cameroons? NFOR- A total of 50 nations voted Yes. These are Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Byelorussia, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Finland, Ghana, Honduras, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Union Of South Africa, Union Of Soviet Socialist Republic, United States Of America, United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yemen. Two nations voted NO namely Luxemburg and Paraguay. 12 nations abstained. MK- who officiated at this session of the UN general assembly meeting? NFOR- The Chairman was Adam Pachachi of Iraq. The vice chairman was Miss Silvia Shelton Vilallon of Cuba The reporter was Eamon L Kennedy of Ireland. MK- which is Southern Cameroons Independence Day? NFOR- 1st Oct is Southern Cameroons Independence Day not January first and not may 20th. Celebrating May 20th is like forcing a slave to celebrate the day he/she was made slave. Under the leadership of the SCNC the anniversary was celebrated on 1st Oct 2001 that lead to brutal reparation by the occupation forces of La Republique Du Cameroun. But Southern Cameroonians have vehemently rejected annexation and are detainment to restore their statehood and independence of their country, The Southern Cameroons. MK- La Republique has claimed that part of its country is seceding, is restoration secession? NFOR- French Cameroun got her independence and became La Republique Du Cameroun on 1st of January 1960 and was admitted into the UN in September of that same year, The Southern Cameroons was never part of La Republique Du Cameroun as of the time of their independence. So no part of La Republique that gained her independence on 1st Jan 1960 is breaking away its map remained intact exactly as they submitted to the UN. MK- what was the content of the inconclusive bilateral talks by which the Southern Cameroons formed a union with La Republique Du Cameroun in 1960? NFOR- The union was to be a federation of two states of equal statues. MK- would it be correct to talk of secession if part of that federation formed in 1961 broke away? NFOR- yes and indeed it happened. When in 1984 La Republique Du Cameroun opted out of the union by reviving its former name ie the name she had prior to unification and in effect she seceded from the Union. MK- what then happened to the Southern Cameroon after La Republique opted out of the union? NFOR- First the Southern Cameroons became a stateless and defenseless people. Secondly and typical of any annexation situation, La Republique Du Cameroun poured into the Southern Cameroons. Its occupation forces and administrators, the former to subjugate and the latter to assimilate. MK- why is it wrong and dishonest to describe the Southern Cameroon independence as secession? NFOR- When the Southern Cameroons joined La Republique Du Cameroun in 1961. The Southern Cameroons came as an independent state with its own internationally recognized boundaries, its government and states institutions. The two states in the federation were equal states (see the UN two alternatives and its various clauses in the 1961 federal constitution) MK- what evidence is there or proof is there for the Southern Cameroons to claim to have had internationally recognized boundaries? NFOR- there is the UN resolution 224-(iii) of 18 Nov 1948 protecting the Southern Cameroons from annexed into the British colony of Nigeria or any other neighboring country. There is the Milner Simon agreement of 1919, defining the intentional boundaries between the Southern Cameroons and La Republique Du Cameroun. There is the trusteeship agreement and the various boundary demarcation agreements between Southern Cameroons and French Cameroun. The boundary between the Southern Cameroons and the Federal Republic of Nigeria are also well known. 3) THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS NATIONAL COUNCIL (SCNC) MK- La Republique Du Cameroon call the SCNC terrorist, secessionist, underground etc. Are these accusations true? NFOR- Far from it. The SCNC is not a terrorist organization; its members are not secessionist. The SCNC is neither an underground movement nor it is an extremist organization. MK- what then is the SCNC? NFOR- The SCNC is an irredentist movement representing the main stream aspiration of the large majority of the Southern Cameroonians working for the restoration of the sovereign independence of the Southern Cameroons through peaceful means. It is the collective will and legitimate aspirations of Southern Cameroonians, after the failed federal union, to shape their destiny. It is not a pressure group it is simply a liberation movement, self determination is the right any people under foreign occupation. MK- what is the origin of the SCNC? NFOR- The SCNC was founded in April 1993 at the All Anglophones Conference (AAC) in Buea Southern Cameroons to check the gearing tide of annexation and assimilation of the Southern Cameroons by La Republique Du Cameroun. The conference called for a return to the two state federations formed in 1961. But unfortunately the leaders of La Republique Du Cameroun ignored this genuine call with impunity. MK- is the SCNC legitimate? NFOR- The SCNC started when president Biya called for a national debate in view of constitutional reforms in Cameroon. Various interest groups met to discuss the issue so did the Anglophones. To question the legitimacy of the SCNC is to question the legitimacy of the right to self-determination of the Southern Cameroonian people. Above all this is tantamount to questioning the right of Southern Cameroonians to freedom and their right to exercise sovereignty over their country. MK- Does the SCNC act of declaring independence of the Southern Cameroons on Dec 1999 in Buea not contradict the 1993 call for a return to the two state federation? NFOR- Between the events of 1993 and that of 1999, one needs to understand the developments at the second All Anglophones conference (AAC ii) in Bamenda in 1994. At AAC two Southern Cameroons unequivocally told La Republique Du Cameroun, that if it persisted in ignoring their call for a return to the 1961 two state federation, Southern Cameroons would revive its independence. MK- what activities of the SCNC confirm that it is a peaceful organization? NFOR Its numerous appeal tot the leaders of La Republique Du Cameroun for dialogue since 1993 - its mission by a nine man delegation to the UN in 1995 to file a petition against annexation and to discuss modalities for peaceful separation. - On the return of its delegation from the UN, the SCNC conducted public rallies throughout the entire Southern Cameroons to educate the masses and sample public opinion. This was further buttresses by - Its peaceful consolation of the Southern Cameroonian population in a signature referendum whose results, overwhelmingly favored peaceful separation and the restoration of the independence of the Southern Cameroons nation. - - MK- In a visit to Yaounde in May 2000, the UN Secretary general Kofi Annan called for meaningful dialogue concerning the smoldering crises in Cameroon. What is the SCNC position on that call? NFOR- The SCNC has accepted dialogue on conditions that La Republique Du Cameroun first releases all Southern Cameroonians languishing in the jails of La Republique Du Cameroun like captives of war. A representative of the UN should chair such a dialogue. It should be remembered that it is the UN that sponsored the ill-fated union between the two Cameroons in the first place. 4) ECONOMIC PILLAGE AND IMPOVERISHMENT. MK- what has so far happened to the Southern Cameroons economy? NFOR- When La Republique Du Cameroun annexed the Southern Cameroons, it decided on dismantling the economic structures of the Southern Cameroons in order to obliterate any trace of its identity. MK- what then was the correlation between the development of La Republique Du Cameroun and the economy of the Southern Cameroons during the years of the annexation of the latter? NFOR- The development of La Republique Du Cameroun and the impoverishment of the Southern Cameroons turned out to be two sides of the same coin. The two were not parallel lines but the same line drawn in black and red. La Republique Du Cameroun was developed by a simultaneous process of impoverishing the Southern Cameroons. MK- how did La Republique Du Cameroun impoverished the Southern Cameroons? NFOR- This was done by either destroying or systematically closing down Southern Cameroons financial institutions, industrial bases and economic structures, which included: - Cameroon Bank ltd, established by the government of the Southern Cameroons. Upon the annexation of Southern Cameroons in 1972, the bank came under the ministry of finance in Yaounde capital of La Republique Du Cameroun. Branches of the bank in La Republique Du Cameroun suffered large losses from bad management by francophones. At the time of it collapse as the francophone managers granted out loans without security, the bank had 29 billion frs cfa in savings and was owed 30 billions frs cfa by francophones. - Confiscation and misappropriation of the produce marketing board reserves. Reserves accumulated in the Southern Cameroons from the sales of farmers produce mainly cocoa and coffee were saved for price stabilization by the produce marketing board. These good amounted to 78 billion frs cfa. This money was confiscated by La Republique’s government and transferred to Yaounde and was misappropriated, with the formation of the NPMB managed by francophones while Southern Cameroons farmers for whom the money was saved looked on helplessly. - Victoria and Tiko deep-sea ports. These operated officially and in the 10 years prior to unification, traffic at these ports increased by 400%. Both were closed down even though the World Bank had offered to fund their development, but was ignored by La Republique’s government surly because these ports were in the English speaking side of the country. - Power cam and its hydro-electricity stations at Muyuka Yoke, Malale. - Wum Area Development Authority (W.A..D.A) - West Cameroon Development Agency (W.A.C.D.A) - Santa coffee estate - Cameroon air transport (CAT) - Inland river port Mamfe - Internal aircraft landing airstrip at Weh, Bali and Besongabang - Dairy factory Nkambe - International airport at Tiko which the visit of Dr Nkwame Nkruma and Amahdou Ahidjo when they visited the Southern Cameroons. ETC MK- How else has La Republique Du Cameroun impoverished and under developed the Southern Cameroons? NFOR- By rapaciously exploiting the Southern Cameroons natural resources especially oil, minerals and vegetables, timber banana, rubber, fisheries and game from national parks. The Southern Cameroons Government pursued a policy of maintaining all seasonable roads and while La Republique Du Cameroun was tarring roads in the francophone sector, using oil money generated from the English speaking part of the country. Roads in the Southern Cameroons are neglected and abandoned prominently Victoria-Kumba-Mamfe -Bamenda ring road, Ekok road, Kumba- Ekondo Titi- Mundemba. Etc. Water resources built by Southern Cameroons communities were taken and given to their profit making corporation SNEC estorting huge sums of money were they have made no investments. By discouraging foreign investors from establishing industries in the Southern Cameroons thus keeping the territory backwards. Southern Cameroonians are discriminated against when they move to Douala, Yaounde or when they writ the so-called competitive exams into the army, police, civil service or enrolments into the professional schools etc. MK- what about the oil refinery in Victoria? NFOR- SONARA is a giant economic structure located in the Southern Cameroons. But in spite of its location within the Victoria council area, SONARA ironically pays royalty but to Douala council in La Republique Du Cameroun. The Labor force in SONARA is 95% francophone for both senior and junior staff and the language there is French. The best school in the country in terms of staff and equipment is located in SONARA complex. It is a francophone school, admitting mainly the francophone children. Medium of instruction is French. MK- so any last word? NFOR- Just urging Southern Cameroonians especially the youths to read their history very well so as to know their roots. If there is any of you out there who do not yet know the truth of the matter, then I say join the Southern Cameroons restoration train. For it has no reverse gear and its stopping point is only at the gate of freedom for the born and the unborn. Thank you very much and may God bless.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:59:28 +0000

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