MEMBERS OF THE ONLINE STORE - CANADA ************* PLEASE READ THIS ************* I have been wanting to discuss this with you for a while.....But yesterday I got an email from FB saying everything is changing and today I am seeing posts about it (just shared one)...SO figured it is now or never! Sorry if this post is long....I wanted to get everything in one post. Soon unless we pay FB we wont get noticed, and to get noticed it would cost the average business 1000$ a month, small amounts only get you noticed by a couple people.....1000$ does not even come close to targeting everyone on FB....No one can afford that! The website atozoscan - I want this site to be the place ALL Canadians know about and come to to buy the things they want and need. I want everyone to see it, know it and talk about it. So I am going to need some help. By myself I made and paid for the site (I pay a monthly fee to keep the domain connected and paid for the domain), I put the website on the back of all my pricetags. I hand the flyer out.... I made the flyers, have messaged back and forth with hundreds of people, maintain the page (along with Tiffany Kuntz), create events, research all the businesses to make sure they are legit, I spend quite a few hours every week posting ads not just on FB...and more. I do all this cause I want us all to succeed. The purpose of my post.....I want to advertise on Kijiji.....(please if you believe what goes around comes around.....You want to read this and help) There is 10 provinces/10 capital cities, so if I wanted to post an ad linking to the OSCAN website it costs 5$ per ad....To post 1 ad in the 10 capital cities in Canada I would need 50$ per month. To post twice a month in each city I would need 100$...ect. So since we have all been burned I want to make everyone feel comfortable. I am asking for 5$ a month donations and 100% of the money will go towards kijiji ads and I will add your company to the featured companies in the top banner on the website. I will also create an album in the group and post every receipt for every kijiji purchase as well as list all the people who paid that month so EVERYONE knows where every penny went. Just like how unions have to show everyone where every penny is spent. We can be like the online store union.....Where no one is paid by proceeds...All money goes back into advertising our union! Anyone who send me money I will also give them my address so you can mail to me...we cab figure out the best way for me to receive the donations so that your money is traceable. And would like to make it so if someone wants to back out they can get a refund. What ever suggestions you have to make this work please let me know! 10 people participating will allow us to post 1x per month 20 people participating will allow us to post 2x per month 30 people participating will allow us to post 3x per month You get where I am going...... Most of my customers do not come from FB for my personal business. They come from Kijiji and from people seeing my stuff and telling others. Some come from FB but at least 70% more people come in from Kijiji. Kijiji has customers FB has browsers! I want us all on kijiji. But I cannot pay out of my pocket! Even if no one is interested I will continue to post ads on FB as I have been and will continue to make the events and add businesses to website and ask people to hand out flyers. But I will only spend money out of my pocket if others are willing to too! It seems everyone is into the free ad but not many are even willing to hand out 5 flyers in exchange. I want to market us and I need your help! I cannot do this by myself and if we want to be successful we have to help each other! You can help with flyers or you can donate 5$ a month.......Remember karma and the laws of the universe make it so that the more you help and share and spread love the better your life will be! 10-20 people can help hundreds. FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!!! IDEA SHARING IS ALSO WELCOMED!!! 200 heads are better than 1!!!! I would hope that many of you have grown to trust me. I have done everything I said I would and more, I try to help everyone, I try to promote you all and I hope that you would feel comfortable donating 5$ a month.....I will donate the first 10$ if there is interest!. I support your business buy buying your product...I try to pick someone new each time.....I really try to help you all please help me help you all by allowing me to post kijiji ads for all of us for a couple months and see what happens!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 20:48:53 +0000

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