MEMO OF CIA\DoD DIRECTED ENERGY TORTURE ATTACKS ON AMERICAN WHISTLE BLOWER BRYAN TEW IN BOGOTA COLOMBIA JAN 2 2015 0001-0100 Started reading and listening to content simultaneously on my computer and just like clockwork the CIA\DIA supercomputer kicked in and began altering continuous stream of electromagnetic energy attacks using Delta waves to burn through and minimalize the external interference and prevent me from depatterning their remote neural mind control programming by causing extreme drowsiness. 0110 Extreme drowsiness caused by Delta wavves directed energy attacks. 0130-0410 CIA\DIA operatives causing blood pressure to increase to elevated levels when it should be below between 60-70 diastolic because they are causing severe stress and psychological trauma and hypertension continuously with pain caused by stream of directed energy attacks 0410-0600 Extreme streaks and flashes of light when I close my eyes caused by optic nerve in both eyes being stimulated by directed energy waves at regular intervals of every two seconds 0600-1200 Went to sleep and woke up with ears ringing and head and ears in pulsating pain. Flashes and streaks of light when I close my eyes approx every two (2) seconds. Each flash is like a ring or circle of light in each eye that starts out small and gets bigger. They seem to be able to alter the shape of the flashes or streaks by adjusting the frequency and amplitude of each wave of energy. Each flash of light is at regular intervals of approx every 2 seconds. Severe trauma to both ears right worse than left (as of now) caused by directed energy attacks in my sleep. They just turned up intensity and frequency of directed energy attack stream of energy waves intensified 1330 I am developing motor neurological disease disorder in my arms and hands. Hands arms extremely painful to touch and stretch out especially when I stretch the skin. Happening on top side of right foot as well. CIA\DIA OPERATIVES ARE SLOWLY KILLING ME WITH AGONIZING TERROR & TORTURE PARADIGM OF TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL. THEY ARE USING EXTREME SEVERE BRUTAL TORTURE AND PAIN TO HEAD AND EARS TO FRAGMENT MY PSYCHE AND PERSONA TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER TO CREATE ALTER PERSONALITIES WHICH THEY CAN THEN PROGRAM TO DO HORRIBLE THINGS TO MYSELF AND TO OTHERS! 1900-2000 Once again I am trying to read my bible and watch religious content on the internet YouTube and the CIA\DIA operatives are targeting me by altering continuous stream of energy to Delta waves causing extreme drowsiness. It is same when I listen to music sometimes. in order to stop the D programming or D patterning of their mind control programming. listening to music and reading a book while listening to religious content disrupts the bio communication signal between their super computer and the targets brain by filling the neural networks of the brain with noise or energy so it also disrupts the remote neural monitoring. Listening to religious content while simultaneously reading a Bible for long amounts of time D patterns there mind control programming and so they have absolutely no choice whatsoever absolutely no choice whatsoever but to stop the mind control victim from doing this for long periods of time in fact if the mind control victim were able to listen to music or content for long amounts of time each day for a period of a hundred and eighty days that mind control victim would be able to brain entrainment and stop my control all together because it disrupts and patternsoff the brain wave frequency of the mind control victim. Here is the religious Christian content I am trying to watch and listen to while reading my Bible. They are causing extreme drowsiness to minimize the external interference caused by it: 2300-2325 Preparing to watch religious content on internet and read bible. Not tired or drowsy. Expect more interference. Severe pulsating pain to head and ears caused by directed energy attacks of CIA\DIA operatives. Continuous stream of energy
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 04:22:25 +0000

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