MEMORANDUM PRESENTED ON MARCH 12, 2014 TO UNO ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN PUNJAB (KHALISTAN) UNDER INDIAN OCCUPATION BY DR.AWATAR SINGH SEKHON ADVISOR (FOREIGN AFFAIRS), DAL KHALSA ALLIANCE MEMORANDUM: The Hon N. Pillay High Commissioner United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, UN Human Rights Council Palais des Nations, CH 1211 Geneva 10 SWITZERLAND 12th March, 2014 Your Excellency Mrs Pillay, HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AND GENOCIDE IN PARTICULAR OF SIKHS IN THEIR HOLY AND HISTORICAL LAND, PUNJAB, AND THE NON-HINDU MINORITIES I IN GENERAL IN PREDOMINANTLY HINDU INDIA We, the Sikhs of Switzerland, European countries and North America, would like to apprise you, your Excellency, of the gross human rights abuses of the Sikhs and other non-Hindu minorities in India which have taken place since 15th August, 1947. This was the day when the British India authorities transferred political power to the ‘unelected’ Hindu-Brahmins leadership and left the non-Hindu minorities, especially the Sikhs, at the mercy of the majority, the Hindus-Brahmins (3% and 7% population of a total of over 1.2 billion hungry mouths; Sir VT Rajshekar, Editor in Chief,Dalit Voice, Mangalore, India). Since receiving political power from the British Empire, despite the protest of the Sikhs at large and their leadership for not returning their ‘First Sovereign and Secular’ Sikh nation of South Asia, of a Sikh monarch, Ranjit Singh (1799-1849), to the Sikhs. The predominantly (?) Hindu India has exterminated more than 3.4 million Sikhs since 15th August, 1947; more than one million in the decade of 1981-91 (Singh S 1995 The Sikhs in History ISBN 0-96475555-0-5; Dilgeer HS and Sekhon AS 1992 The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty An Historical Perspective (ed) A T Kerr ISBN 0-9695964-1-3 University of Alberta P O, Edmonton, AB T6G 2S5, Canada; Sekhon AS Dilgeer HS 1999 A White Paper On Khalistan (A True Story) The Sikh Nation (ed) AT Kerr ISBN 0-9695964-8-0; Sekhon AS Dilgeer HS 2002 India Kills the Sikhs, 3rd Ed, ISBN 0-9695964-9-9; Sekhon AS 2005 India’s Genocides of Sikhs, 1981-1991: History Revisited Int J Sikh Affairs 15(2), 28, 2005 (Chief Guest Editor: AT Kerr) ISSN 1481-5435; Sekhon AS 2010 The Sikhs: Sovereignty To Slavery ISBN 978-0-9811360-8-0). Since the brutal military “Operation Bluestar” of June, 1984, more than 260,000 innocent Sikh infants, children, youth, male and female folks have been slaughtered [Int J Sikh Affairs 10(2): 27-29, 2000 ISSN 1481-5435; Sekhon AS 2000 Proc 8th Sikh Edu Conf, Toronto, ON, Sept 23; Walia AS Sudan TS 2001 Genesis of State Terrorism in Punjab. Released by Justice A S Bains, ihrf@yahoogroups; July 14, 2001; Kumar RN et al.2003 Reduced To Ashes: The Insurgency and Human Rights in Punjab ISBN 99933-53-57-4
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:51:48 +0000

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