MEMORIES OF THE CHILDHOOD GIGGLING INFECTION Enjoy the clip of Laurel and Hardy who made us laugh with things like this at the cinema when we were kids-it never fails to raise a smile for me!-laughter is so infectious,and good for you too-well not so good if someone thinks youre laughing at them,no sir!Legend has it that only girls giggle-thats a fallacy! Let me go back a few years now,well right back to being a kid of 9 or 10 really-ive heard the saying giggling like schoolgirls but not so!Did any of you get fits of infectious giggling?... I for one suffered bursts of it as a child,even into teenage years and by suffer i mean the consequences of it sometimes if for example parents or others took it that you were making fun of them!-i remember once another lad and myself in Sunday school at Capel Cernyw starting to laugh for no particular reason (most children had to attend Sunday-school during my childhood)...and the more we tried to stifle it the worse it got-people looked towards us shaking their heads-even a withering look that could kill from our headmaster who also attended the chapel each Sunday couldnt stop us! he said to us afterwards to be at his desk on Monday morning!...i think that stopped us!And i remember a local man nick-named laughing Herbert-i think he lived in Cynwyd,he had a highly infectious laugh....he would start to laugh in the local Corwen cinema for no apparrent reason-and keep on laughing-soon everyone at the cinema joined in and the manager would have to step in and stop it!! It could happen at home during mealtimes too-and it annoyed my dad as i couldnt explain why!...and i recall i had another fit once during tea at a cousins house,my uncle asked what the story was-i said i didnt know-he replied thats crackers!...but its not,you know! Its just that simple things made me laugh-i know its wrong now but someone with a bad stammer once set me off!Perhaps i got it from our mum-she came home once and said shed laughed at seeing a bald man going into the barbers shop-well with me it was perhaps a clip from a cinema or t.vedy coming back to mind-it happened a lot at school too,during lessons!A teacher clouted me once,getting annoyed by my sudden and unexplained laughing which set all the others off too-he mistakenly thought i was laughing at him as i couldnt stop when he told me to! Humans are the only species on Earth capable of laughing,though its thought some species of monkey can show a form of mirth! So,infectious as laughing is-one thing i do frown on,and that is making fun of disabled people.And as i said,laughing fits can be a problem especially if its at an un-appropriate time!Ive known some people to laugh at events like funerals!If any of you suffered from the laughing thing-im sure others would like to know about it here! :)
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 12:50:19 +0000

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