MEMORIZE THESE POINTS:~ a)the carrier of Trypanosoma in man is - TopicsExpress


MEMORIZE THESE POINTS:~ a)the carrier of Trypanosoma in man is *Tse-tse fly*.~ .b)*Holozoic* type of nutrition is found in protozoa.~ .C)pseudopodia retain its movement due to change in *viscosity*.~ .d)Disease caused by protozoa is *kalazar* and it is transmitted by (sand fly).~ .e)protozoan class that doesnt carry its name after its locomotory organ is *sporozoa*.~ .f)contractile vacuole of Amoeba and other protozoans are related with *Osmoregulation*.~ .g)EUGLENA is *flagellate*;not ciliate;not sarcodina and belongs jo kingdom *protista*~ .h)primary basis of classification of protists is based on *locomotary organ*.~ .i)Among (euglena,diatoms,dino-flagellates,heliozoans),*dinoflagellates* is not unicellular eukaryotes.~ .j)*True slime moulds* represent true fungus but like protists.~ .k)Excretion in Amoeba occurs through *plasma membrane*.~ .l)Amoebulae are products of multiple *fission*.~ .m)Entamoeba histolytica in man is found in *colon*;not in small intestine;&it has only one host and causes *Amoebic dysentery*~. .N)Infective stage of E.histolytica is *Tetra or quadrinucleate cyst*.~ .o)cell drinking is called *pinocytosis* whereas ingesting solid food is *phagocytosis*~ .p)dum dum fever is caused by (Leishmania).~ .q)If an amoeba is placed in distilled water,its contractile vacuole *works faster*. .~ .r)Amoeba cant digest vacuole of amoeba is analogous to alimentary canal of an animal or gastrovascular cavity of hydra. . ..still there are more points to remember from phylum protozoa.. .i will post later. .take care..god bless u all. .
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:28:28 +0000

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